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Centre piece


14 Sep 2015
I am looking for a rare striking fish as a focus in my aquarium.

I have a well planted (dense) aquarium. 200 litres and well filtered by a fluval 406.

Currently stocked with 10 pygmy cory and 6 dwarf neon rainbows.

Any ideas?
I seen the moonlight gourami for sale. I have kept most in the past.

I was looking for some hard to find rainbows, found a seller not far from me! However, i dont have a price to compare the asking price to. They also sell wild bettas and dwarf cichlids. Both very rare fish.

I was also looking into discus, never kept them before. This means changing an entire aquarium though.

I have/had rare killies, guppies, angels and shrimp but none stand out. Desperate for ideas
Its a shame how these fish are over looked. I will see if i can find any. Thanks
Hi just out of interest what are the rainbow fish you have seen and if you don't mind me asking how much are they. Can you say roughly where you are based might help with members giving you the heads up on some suitable near to you, cheers
Love tiger barbs too. From my experiance you would need a shoal of around severn or move,As kept in smaller groups or as individuals ive found they tend to be fin nippers.
Hi just out of interest what are the rainbow fish you have seen and if you don't mind me asking how much are they. Can you say roughly where you are based might help with members giving you the heads up on some suitable near to you, cheers

The name is melanotaenia snugguer
I'v seen the advert my self, "sungguer" is one of the many Melanotaenia still awaiting a proper classification. As a genus of fish melanotaenia is a complex and at times a difficult group of fish to identify correctly, there are many fish being sold here in the uk and elsewhere as a specific species that are infact hybrids so, unless you know the source of the fish or are buying from a trusted private breeder it's very easy to end up with a hybrid fish, i would be asking for details of where the fish being offered originated from.The other issue is that at 5cm the fish being offered will probably be very difficult to sex correctly and as we know it's the male fish that are spectacular with the females mostly being very plain looking fish, or boring as i like to call them😳, cheers ,Alex
I'v seen the advert my self, "sungguer" is one of the many Melanotaenia still awaiting a proper classification. As a genus of fish melanotaenia is a complex and at times a difficult group of fish to identify correctly, there are many fish being sold here in the uk and elsewhere as a specific species that are infact hybrids so, unless you know the source of the fish or are buying from a trusted private breeder it's very easy to end up with a hybrid fish, i would be asking for details of where the fish being offered originated from.The other issue is that at 5cm the fish being offered will probably be very difficult to sex correctly and as we know it's the male fish that are spectacular with the females mostly being very plain looking fish, or boring as i like to call them😳, cheers ,Alex

I decided not risk buying because i wanted just males, however checking again today the seller is selling eggs of two rainbow species.

In the end i went with eight female peacock goby and two males. I will be putting them with 4 double black adult angels.

Not even rare fish but i can picture it in my mind.
Glad you managed to get some nice fish🙂 It's common practice for rainbow fish breeders to sell mops of eggs , and a much easier way of distributing species to enthusiasts worldwide. guess we all only keep the fish we really like, rare or otherwise, i recently bought a group of 11 super red male cherry barbs from the czech rebublic , not rare by any stretch but i love them😀
I managed to source the green barbs but had already settled for the angels.

I rather fancy some wild bettas but thats for another day!
I managed to source the green barbs but had already settled for the angels.

I rather fancy some wild bettas but thats for another day!

I loved my Betta more than any other fish I have kept. But I only have one tank and its got red crystal shrimp in so its too risky. One day I might get another one, I'd love some green tiger barbs. Also birchir's look immense, but they grow big so wouldn't have one for that reason. Elephant fish are a bit cool aswell.