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4 Aug 2007
Stourbridge West Mids
Just happened to be walking through the dining room by the new tank when I saw that someone has already moved in(and I haven't even cycled it yet :lol: )
Grabbed the camera to show you all:




Needless to say the tank is now covered,but at least I'm confident that the wood is secure :rolleyes:
8 out of 10 cats prefer their aquariums massive with nice wood...
Lol! I'm 'negotiating' kittens with b/f at the moment. Better not show him this, he already thinks the cats will be at the tanks the whole time!
nickyc said:
Lol! I'm 'negotiating' kittens with b/f at the moment. Better not show him this, he already thinks the cats will be at the tanks the whole time!

Trust me my cats could care less they just climb on the tanks because they want to tip the gerbil cage over.
He was just testing the wood to make sure it didn't topple.

Our cat used to sit on the edge of the armchair and watch the fish for a while and jump occasionally but after a few weeks realised he couldn't get them and didn't bother after that. Used to jump onto the lid though as it was nice and warm with the lights on!