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carpet plant for low tech no co2

Helantium tenelum, Eleocharis parvula, Lileaopsis brasiliensis and Sagittaria subulata are look alike grassy plants that differ only in the blade width. They have deep roots, easy to grow, and take less light and maintenance than classic small leaf carpets such as HC, S repen and M Carlo. But they won’t give you a neat lawn look but taller and wilder like a prairie.
Ha ha sorry mate, as long as you are not in a rush for a few years, I am sure you will get what you want...
I do suggest you look at Tim’s thread though.... https://www.ukaps.org/forum/threads/the-soil-substrate-or-dirted-planted-tank-a-how-to-guide.18943/
good link that foxfish
A hybrid energy soil tank looks to have so many things going for it Low maintenance for one But love that DSM method for getting a good carpet started Do people only use this for carpet plants or is it beneficial for other normal plants
Cab be beneficial for other plants especially the ones that cling to hardscape. Gives them chance to start attaching roots in the presence of high atmospheric co2.
Jonathan’s (the op) tank is 750 mm deep and the tanks you have linked are run by professionals. So I would say he has a challenge on his hands.
Valid points but I always feel the issue with deeper tanks is light penetration to substrate level AND water movement through the entire depth of the water column
“Professional” assisted tanks at 90cm - 100 cm are not that unusual - again there are some on FO’s Facebook & Youtube pages, gleaning filtration, lighting, plant details is easy enough & I think useful information

While professional aquascapers have a decided experience advantage, George Farmer has shown in recent videos that first timers can maintain a tank & grow stunnng plants just by following protocols

Where many first timers run into difficulty is by picking & choosing bits of lore here & there & writing their own methodology (& gentle suggestions to follow, for example, ADA or EI until they have some understanding of plants is turned aside) ... which is all fine, experience is the best teacher 😉

lighting 2x 54watt t5 tubes and 46watt fluvel 2.0 planting led uni

Best quality HOT5 and reflectors might deliver moderate PAR at that substrate depth
LED - need minimum 1watt LED, 3watt is much better AND need good internal reflectors & diffusers, also better quality LED rather than knockoffs

AI Prime freshwater would manage nicely (90 degree lens as I recall so much better depth penetration than 120 degree lens BUT less area of light distribution)

Given your present lights, I’d establish MC carpet with dry start method, then gradually increase water level over several weeks
Aquario Neo diffuser kit with yeast CO2 would be worth the investment I suspect as well (I’d buy 2 kits)

Marsilea carpet might or more feasible long term but this is slow (especially compared to MC) so I’d still establish with higher light (ie don’t fill the tank past 45cm above substrate)& CO2 initially
You could do a mixed MC, Marsilae carpet, expecting the latter to predominate over time