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Caribsea floramax original, is magnetic ?? Will this hurt my fish


8 Nov 2014
Question.. I have used midnight black floramax in one of my tanks for years and my plants love it and it looks good.. Its mainly just volcanic rocks ground up into tiny little pieces.. The volcano red floromax is also volcanic rock..

The original floramax is red as well with some black in it, but looks more like ground up clay pots or something still very small pieces.. I was cleaning my tank today with my magnetic glass cleaner for the fist time since I put this substrate in the tank and when I got to the bottom some of the substrate was attracted to my magnet.. Not all of it but some of it. I pulled the magnet out and had to pull the pieces off and when I held them in my hand and moved the magnet over they flew to it.

So this substrates is magnetic, which to me means it must have some kind of iron ore or something in it. Im a little concerned about this though as iron is a heavy metal.. and I have $600 worth of discus and electric blue rams in this tank... They haven't reacted badly from what ive seen so far but still... Im a bit concerned... What do you guys think ? Am I freaking out over nothing ?
anyone ?? does no one post on this forums.. it feals like its completely dead..
Helloooo are you lost haven't been down here for a while. ....hahahaha. wow never heard of magnetic sand, cool must be good for something. ? Just have to find out
Would be more concerned possibly with crushed lava rock and it's potential for damaging/shredding root's of plant's.?
But then I notice weed's seem to have no problem sprouting from the cracks in sidewalks around my home.
Maybe some plant's would be affected more than other's along with fishes that frequent the substrate area.
I much prefer smooth material like fine gravel,sand.
Carib sea's Tahitian moon sand for example used to warn "not suitable" for cory's,loaches,and other fishes that feed from the substrate.
I give em credit for at least mentioning it.

Can't offer anything with regards to metal bit's finding their way into a batch here and there of the substrate's.
Have noted similar with black blasting media I use, but have seen no negative effect from plant's,shrimp's,fishes.
They are not metal but magnetic lodestone, present in most sand. Goto a sandy beach with a magnet and you will be surprised the number of small magnetic grains you will pick up.

Not a problem just a wasted worry rather than worrying about the much more important worry of CO2 levels and distribution.