Lee Murray
I've had this Rena 340L running since the end of July but seem to be constantly battling this algae, (BBA?), I'm injecting co2 via a fire extinguisher and add EI salts daily, the algae only seems to be on my Crinum calamistratum, the Schismatoglottis prietoi and some of the wood and as I've said in a post about my diffuser the co2 goes straight up through the Crinum so it's leaves are getting a good dose of it, (could this be a problem?). Before I set the tank up I had the same algae in 2 other tanks but soaked ever plant, rock and pieces of wood in a bucket containing a diluted mixture of Seachem Flourish Excel for 2 days and every trace of it seemed to have disappeared, the plants in those other tanks are fine it's just this one I'm having problems with, I've been squirting Excel onto the affected areas every other day and while at 1st it seemed to work it doesn't appear to be doing anything now. What should I do?
