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Cant find Riccia?!


3 Jan 2013
This is the only Riccia I can find thats possible to buy in UK/Ireland - surely that cant be right, or is it in short supply these days??

Im nearly ready to order my plants in the next couple of weeks, and thanks to all the amazing guys on here (and the awesome advice), I think I have nearly all the hardware I'll need.
Fire extinguisher, regulator with solenoid, diffuser, lighting and some ADA Africana substrate are now all in my living room awaiting "The Rescape!", but I had my heart set on a lovely, pearling carpet of Riccia.
Riccia is very very high maintenance so think wisely. If u contact me in a couple weeks I can send u some.

Sent from my GT-I9100 using Tapatalk 2

Thanks so much mate. Thats very kind.
However, you have me slightly worried - Ive done alot of reading about riccia and tried to make sure i am ready for its demands, but could you ellaborate on how it is demanding with maintenence please?
Growth wise it's one of the less demanding plants, I grow this in a bowl on my window sill in winter and it grows, what I mean is it grows exceptionally fast un a tank, needing trims every week or two weeks. The trimmings then float around the tank and are a pain to get out. That's what I meant pal.

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Ahhh, I got you now chum.
No worries and thanks for the heads up - thats good to know. I didnt actually realise it was that demanding.

Still just love the look and "feel" of it but will maybe scale back a bit on how much I was planning on using.
If its as crazy as you say, then I might just spend my days chasing bits of Riccia around the tank! 😛

Thanks again.

P.S. if your kind offer of some Riccia still stands, how much do you think I could get?
I was looking for a 12" x 12" square, but now maybe just 12" x 6" is a better idea. If I know how much might be available from yourself, it helps me budget for buying the rest from this Tropica 1-2-Grow thing.
I definitely won't have that much. U will need a hell of a lot to cover a 1ft square area. I could give u maybe a couple of 10cm grids but that's it I'm afraid. I don't let it grow too long u see

Sent from my GT-I9100 using Tapatalk 2
Riccia is very very high maintenance so think wisely. If u contact me in a couple weeks I can send u some.

Sent from my GT-I9100 using Tapatalk 2

Which ricca you got jack? I found a few strands of dwarf in my tank 🙂
Nice one nath I got fluitans the basic stuff 🙂 don't get me wrong I love it, but on a scale like mine it does grind on me sometimes 🙂

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Doing a spot more reading at the moment, and found this excellent thread with Riccia in bowl.
However, sound like the shrimp killed it off!
The bowl eventually ran it course, its demise came when I started using it for a shrimp holding tank following a tank leak. The little buggers cut the lawn to shreds and left me with a floating mess.

I am definitely going to have alot of (bigger) Amano shrimp in my tank, plus some Clown loaches and an Ancistrus.
Is Riccia now a big no no because of that? 🙁
Doing a spot more reading at the moment, and found this excellent thread with Riccia in bowl.
However, sound like the shrimp killed it off!

I am definitely going to have alot of (bigger) Amano shrimp in my tank, plus some Clown loaches and an Ancistrus.
Is Riccia now a big no no because of that? 🙁

I wouldn't worry to much it should not be too much of a problem, In my tank the riccia was on its way out anyway, it's not so much that the riccia died, it's just riccia has a tendency of coming unstuck from whatever method you use to tie it down, shrimp will be fine as long as they are not underneath it.
Your tank can quickly become like a snow globe.🙂 I'm sick of netting the stuff, it looked beautiful when I put two thick 7cmx7cm riccia slender pads in. I'm now going to try glosso, hair grass and four leaf clover.