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Can you recommend a cheap pump for water changes?


19 Feb 2010
Hi can anyone recommend a cheap submersible pump that will fit onto standard garden hose that I can use for water change? Ideally somewhere between 500 and 100l/h and in the UK.

The interpet one I was using rattled and died a few mins ago. Siphoning through the hose is sooo slow with 250l to do. 🙁


Hi Sam.

Have loads of hose and need to get the waste water from one end of the house to the other so just need a reasonable lph pump that will fit the hose I have.

Was hoping someone could recommend a brand they have otherwise I'll grab something on eBay. Just want to avoid another duff one.

The pump I have is on warranty but the last time I had a faulty Interpet product they took months to get the replacement to me and I need to do another water change on Sunday.
Hi Paul

That looks like a great idea but a bit complicated in my setup as I have two fluvals with ribbed hosing and a huge aquamanta with odd sized hoses. They are crammed into the cupboards in a way that means a setup like yours would be awkward if not impossible. Getting the filters out for maintenance is quite a feat 🙂

Thanks though..

Really just need a small pond pump of some sort that I can stick in the tank for water changes and remove afterwards. Not too sure which is a good brand
I've been using an Interpet I bought from ebay for a tenner, fingers crossed so far it has been reliable (6months of daily 18 gallon changes) how old was yours? You have me worried now
i use maxijet for mine. Had it for years just for water changes and had no problems. Not quite cheap though, ~£23 for 1000lph. Will have to check if it will fit on a garden hose though. My hose is too short so i have a join in the middle (using a larger piece of pipe which leaks a bit 🙂 )
Thanks guys. Just picked up a Blagdon 700lph for under 20 quid. Don't know what the brand is like but it has a years warranty. Couldn't find anywhere locally stocking maxi jet.