Hi all, new to thie forum but some should no me from others. I did have a fish house setup up for just fighters which i bred for a while,but shtu down fish house. Now im starting to get into plants. But i dont have the courage to try and setup a big tank with loads of plants that just die on me! i dont want to spend hundreds and then find out it all dies on me! so i am going to start small,witha little nano, But i have no idea which is a good nano tank! cant find any that fits my liking.I want to keep a tank,with main centrpiece being wood,thn having a carpet of either, riccia fluitains, or dwarf hairgrass, qhich is better for a low tech nano? And what is a good nano tank?
Lastly i want to keep just some shrimp and a small shoal of fish, but really small fish!
Any help on these questions :?:
Lastly i want to keep just some shrimp and a small shoal of fish, but really small fish!
Any help on these questions :?: