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Can this substrate be re-used?


New Member
15 Jun 2009
Hello all. Let me cut a long story sort: I am looking at a few buckets of "Caribsea Eco-Complete Live Planted Substrate" currently sitting outside. They have not been in an active aquarium for a lengthy period of time.

I am also looking at an empty aquarium. Given this situation, is there any value in cleaning up the substrate in buckets and "rebooting" the tank? I do have two bags of pond compost to go in but that Caribsea is looking like an expensive waste sat in buckets if it is likely to be still perfectly good even if I have to add some root tabs.

If I ask in a shop I'll get told to ditch and buy some more... Anyway, figured here would be a good place to gather thoughts!
Hi all,
I am looking at a few buckets of "Caribsea Eco-Complete Live Planted Substrate" currently sitting outside. They have not been in an active aquarium for a lengthy period of time.

I am also looking at an empty aquarium. Given this situation, is there any value in cleaning up the substrate in buckets and "rebooting" the tank?
Yes, if its physically intact? Use it.

cheers Darrel
Rinse and reuse. Stick in some root tabs or scatter a small handful of slow release Osmocote before adding the substrate. But neither is really necessary if you’re going to water column dose fertz. Although both root and foliar feeding makes sense.
it’s not like an aquasoil, it’s just inert crushed volcanic rock. The “live” aspect is the bacteria that’s supposedly in there when you first open the bag. It’ll work just fine, are you planning on using the compost and capping it with eco complete?