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Can someone identify these two plants please?


31 Dec 2013
Leicester, UK
Hi everyone,
I went to my LFS today and they had a nice tank with bunched plants for 1,5£ each.

I bought these two but I can't find an ID in most plant sites. Does anyone know what they might be?


Thank you
Aaarrgh - I'm pretty sure I've had those bundles in long ago - but I really can't remember names, sory.
Nr. 2 COULD be a selaginella-type, though. In that case it's not doing well under water, long term.[DOUBLEPOST=1408804749][/DOUBLEPOST]Sorry - it's the nr. 1, that COULD be a Selaginella.
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Hi all,
I agree with MickDK think the first plant is a Selaginella sp., and as suggested they don't do well underwater long term, although they are very good for terrariums etc.

I'm not convinced the second one is Crassula helmsii, the leaf whorls don't look quite right, I'm pretty sure that C. helmsii has leaves in pairs that are opposite, with each new leaf pair at 90o from the one immediately below it. Having said that I don't what it is.
The stalked flowers and whorled leaves look a bit like a Pearlwort (Sagina spp.).

cheers Darrel
Thanks everyone for your answers.
So far the first one is looking almost the same, which leads me to believe it really might not do well underwater.
The second one tough, is really adapting well and looks like an aquatic plant should. I agree with Darrel, it has too few leaves per knot to be a Crassula helmsii, altough it doesn't look like Sagina either. I like mystery plants and seeing how they turn out 🙂