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Can I ditch the filter and replace it with a skimmer?

Hi @saundersbp I agree and I would take it a bit further and claim that we pretty much always have varying degrees of surface film in our tanks. It's only when we have too much of it it's an issue... the origin of surface film (usually made from protein/fat compounds) is food decay, waste from livestock among other things.
Hi @MichaelJ & Everyone,

I'd like to add one other source of surface film - the aquarium plants themselves, assuming that it is a planted tank. 🙂

Hi @saundersbp

I have a similar setup to yours. Please take a look at the following link:

In this tank, you will see that I am using a skimmer. There are no shrimp but I have Vietnamese Cardinal Minnows, which are very small fish, albeit not as small as shrimplets. The skimmer that I use is the Eheim skim350, which you can see in the above link. It is a simple matter to add an inlet strainer to the skim350 to render it safe for livestock. There is a thread here on UKAPS that shows what a little creativity can conjure up. I'll find the thread and then provide a link in a later post.

Hi @saundersbp

Me again!

Here's the link to the Eheim skim 350 modifications review:

I hope it helps you to find a workable solution.

Many thanks, quite a bit of reading there which I'll do. Very much appreciate the ideas, thank you!
Hi @saundersbp

Yes, there is a lot of reading material, as you say. I was concerned that I may have provided too much. And caused unintended confusion. Please let me know if I need to clarify anything.
