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Calcium chloride (CaCl2.nH20)


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9 Jun 2024
London uk
Hi All,

I want to get some calcium chloride (CaCl2.nH20), can someone recommend best places to buy some please.
Its available from lots of places and easy to get - plus easy to pay over the odds also. Need to decide how much your after then see whos cheapest IMO - food or lab grade will be fine granules or flake. E Bay or Amazon worth checking out
Thanks I’ll be using it to remineralise RO water I have two tanks 270l once a week water change 50% also one 60l tank 20% once a week. Never done before so will look in to it how much do I need.
Thanks and I appreciate your help.
That calculator will definitely help, I watched the video and I think in theory I understand what needs to be done I will definitely try and use calculator. Just wanted to ask one more thing at this time, my top water DTS is 260 In my research, I believe this is not very good for the plants. So my question is, if I use dry salt, do I use RO water and remineralise with Calcium and magnesium to get DTS about 120 or to mix tap water and RO I would prefer if I can get away with not using RO at all but not sure if that is possible. I used drys salt before from Aquarium Plant Food website and head good results, I used instructions that came with the salts, but that was long time and I lived in different property. So maybe tap water was different.
Thank you very much I appreciate your advice.

Its TDS (Total dissolved solids) easy mistake.

Trouble with Tap water is it varies over the year so its not constant, but lots of folk use tap water without issues. However it can limit the use/success of certain plants. Much depends on your goals, time, effort and money you wish to spend. RO water remineralised to your requirements' for the plants has to be the Gold standard, as then your parameters will be constant all the time.
But you can use tap water and get a water report for your area pop the results in the IFC and it will account for it. Very hard water does make certain plants harder too.

Many also mix RO water (or rain water) with tap water to improve the tap waters parameters (IFC does that as well), this can also save money as you will probably find you already have enough Ca (calcium) will just need to add some Mg (Magnesium)

So get a local water report from your Water companies website and have a look at it (or post it) would be my first move
I’ll see if I can get report form the water supplier and go from there as I don’t want to waste to much water using RO and obviously the cost of using it.
Hi all,
I’ll see if I can get report form the water supplier and go from there as I don’t want to waste to much water using RO and obviously the cost of using it.
If you live anywhere in London you will have tap water with plenty of calcium (Ca) in it.

Cheers Darrel
If you live anywhere in London you will have tap water with plenty of calcium (Ca) in it.

Thats what I was thinking, blend it with some RO/rain water and good for go with a splash of Epsom salts.

@okla03 what size tank are you planning/thinking ?
Thats what I was thinking, blend it with some RO/rain water and good for go with a splash of Epsom salts.

@okla03 what size tank are you planning/thinking ?
Yes I live in London Dulwich, I have two 270l tanks one is Dutch style, one at the moment without CO2, something like nature style. Also one 60l that I barely use any fertiliser it is very low light with shrimps and guppies.
Thanks again for your advice guys, I really appreciate.
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