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14 Jan 2008
I purchased some cabomba. I placed the stem directly to the gravel with no other subtrates. I was assured that they would grow with no problems at all. They were growing for the first few weeks but now I am noticing that they are changing colour to yellowish. I have a 40 W flourescent tube in a 120 litre tank. Amazaon swords are doing great in this tank. No Co2 or other additives are being added.
Each plant has a different level of efficiency so you cannot compare one to another. Yellowing can be caused by a variety of factors such as nitrogen or trace element shortages. Your tap water and the fish waste may contain enough nutrients to be OK for some plants but not for others. You may want to review the possibility of dosing NPK and traces. You'll get much better growth from all the plants if you supplement with nutrients.

I've never had success with cabomba in a low light/tech setup. Crypts, amazon sword etc are OK but I think cabomba needs more light otherwise it gets strung out.

Plants can store nutrients and so grow OK for a while but when these run out, the plant stalls.
Thanks for the information. I am a bit worried at this stage to add nutrients in the water column due to my Discus which are still adapting and they are just 2 months old.
Any particular product which is regarded being safe? Does this apply to the poor man's dose system?
Yes the poor mans dosing system, as with any of the others such as TPN+ is fine. KNO3, KH2PO4, MgSO4 and trace element mix are a lot safer than the feces and urine being excreted by the fish or whatever small amounts of hidden rotting food currently in your tank.
