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Brown Hair Algae


New Member
25 Jan 2025
225 Liters
running for ~1 month
OASE biomaster thermo 650 filled with Seachem Matrix
Chihiros RBG Vivid 2 for 8 hours daily
ADA aquasoil in the back and ADA La Plata sand in the front
CO2 is injected via in in-line diffuser, turned on 2 hours before lights turn on, and shut off 1 hour before lights turn off. I think it's 30 ppm, I have a drop checker,r and its lime green
Dosing 2HR aquarist APT 3 daily, 6 pumps
50% water change weekly
Rotala Hra, Christmas moss, various buce, anubias nana petite, crypt parva, crypt wendtii, Homalomena sp. hygrophila pinitifida, staurogyne repens. also have a Peace Lily in the aquarium
So far, only have 10 amano shrimp

I've recently had this bloom in algae. The photo was taken after I did some manual removing by swirling a brush. I also cleaned the glass that had diatom spots on the front, but I also started getting a bit of green hair algae on the glass. I'm not sure if have too much light because of the green algae or too little light because of the brown algae. The light is 130W, so I would be surprised if that's still low light...


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Days for the aquarium daily water changes will help ,keep up hand removal, possible add fast growing stems, diatoms should go eventually
Hi all,
running for ~1 month
Very early
You often get a bloom of Diatoms in a new tank, usually they subside naturally.
So far, only have 10 amano shrimp
Some snails would help, I like <"self sustaining snails">, and always have MTS (Melanoides tuberculata), Red Ramshorn (Planorbella duryi) and Tadpole snail (Physella acuta) in the tanks.
OASE biomaster thermo 650 filled with Seachem Matrix
I'd probably take some out, you don't need as much microbial biological filtration in planted tanks, because you have <"plant / microbe"> biofiltration.
Rotala Hra, Christmas moss, various buce, anubias nana petite, crypt parva, crypt wendtii, Homalomena sp. hygrophila pinitifida, staurogyne repens.
I'd get some more plant mass, have a look at <"https://www.ukaps.org/forum/threads/what-is-the-“duckweed-index”-all-about.73647/#post-742236"> & <"Using stem plants as a filtering aid at Start Up!">.
also have a Peace Lily in the aquarium
Perfect <"The Celestial Swamp - A voyage through a flooded forest fringe (Shallow Riparium)">. I'm a great fan of Diana Walstad's <"aerial advantage">.
I'm not sure if have too much light because of the green algae or too little light because of the brown algae. The light is 130W, so I would be surprised if that's still low light...
It won't be too little, opinions differ but I usually run the lights fairly bright and use floating plants as a <"net curtain">. The green algae tells you that you have conditions suitable for plant growth, because <"green algae are really just plants">.

cheers Darrel