Andy Pierce
Not really a super-big problem but a minor irritation and curiosity. I have what I'm guess is some type of brown algae which I notice mainly on glass. It might also be on hardscape but this is less of a concern. I don't see it on plants. It does not rub off casually, but can be removed relatively easily scraping with a white credit card blank (which also makes it easier to see). It is a relatively constant presence needing a good scrape every week or so. It seems to grow in more light exposed areas, but not exclusively. I have this only in my low tech glass shrimp tank. This never happens in my high tech CO2-injected acrylic fish setup.
Anyone know what this is and/or tips on prevention?
1. Size of tank in litres.
12.5L water
2. Age of the set - up.
2+ years
3. Filtration + Media/Sponges.
Sponge filter
4. Lighting and duration.
Weekaqua S400 pro. 10 hours
5. Substrate.
Sand: Hugo Kamishi quartz white sand
6. Co2 dosing or Non-dosing.
No CO2. No glutaraldehyde.
7. Fertilizers used & Ratios.
1/8 dose estimative index.
macros (weekly): K 3.3 ppm, NO3 2.0 ppm, PO4 0.9 ppm, Mg 0.7 ppm, quite a lot of sulfate as a counterion to the K and Mg.
micros (weekly): Fe 0.08 ppm, Mn 0.017 ppm, Zn 0.011 ppm, B 0.01 ppm, Cu 0.0023 ppm, Mo 0.0015 ppm
8. Water change regime and type.
80% weekly. Acid neutralised Cambridgeshire tap water. dGH 17, dKH 0.8
9. Plant list + When planted.
Submersed: Crypts, echinodorus, S repens, H quadricostatus, Java fern, Christmas moss - various timings all many months except some relatively recent Lilaeopsis novea-zelandia
Emersed: Lysimachia nummularia aurea, Riccardia chamedryfolia
Floating: Salvinia minima (always grows really well)
10. Drop Checker.
11. Inhabitants.
shrimp: neocaridina and caridina
snails: some type of small freshwater snail that came along for the ride with some of the plants. reasonably prolific and I don't do anything to try to stop them
12. Full tank image & Surface image.
See attached for picture of tank, algae(?) on glass and algae after being scraped. It always looks just like this.

Anyone know what this is and/or tips on prevention?
1. Size of tank in litres.
12.5L water
2. Age of the set - up.
2+ years
3. Filtration + Media/Sponges.
Sponge filter
4. Lighting and duration.
Weekaqua S400 pro. 10 hours
5. Substrate.
Sand: Hugo Kamishi quartz white sand
6. Co2 dosing or Non-dosing.
No CO2. No glutaraldehyde.
7. Fertilizers used & Ratios.
1/8 dose estimative index.
macros (weekly): K 3.3 ppm, NO3 2.0 ppm, PO4 0.9 ppm, Mg 0.7 ppm, quite a lot of sulfate as a counterion to the K and Mg.
micros (weekly): Fe 0.08 ppm, Mn 0.017 ppm, Zn 0.011 ppm, B 0.01 ppm, Cu 0.0023 ppm, Mo 0.0015 ppm
8. Water change regime and type.
80% weekly. Acid neutralised Cambridgeshire tap water. dGH 17, dKH 0.8
9. Plant list + When planted.
Submersed: Crypts, echinodorus, S repens, H quadricostatus, Java fern, Christmas moss - various timings all many months except some relatively recent Lilaeopsis novea-zelandia
Emersed: Lysimachia nummularia aurea, Riccardia chamedryfolia
Floating: Salvinia minima (always grows really well)
10. Drop Checker.
11. Inhabitants.
shrimp: neocaridina and caridina
snails: some type of small freshwater snail that came along for the ride with some of the plants. reasonably prolific and I don't do anything to try to stop them
12. Full tank image & Surface image.
See attached for picture of tank, algae(?) on glass and algae after being scraped. It always looks just like this.