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brand new Oase Filtosmart 100 leaking water

Went back to the shop and returned the Filtosmart 100, funny thing is, there was another one there returned, same issue with water leaking from the same area, same filtosmart 100 model
I ended up upgrading to his bigger brother, filtosmart 200, we tested it and its leak free
Hi @rBose

Excellent. A good ending to your unfortunate experience. :thumbup:

Went back to the shop and returned the Filtosmart 100, funny thing is, there was another one there returned, same issue with water leaking from the same area, same filtosmart 100 model
I ended up upgrading to his bigger brother, filtosmart 200, we tested it and its leak free
I Have this filter and last night i almost flooded the house, trying to change the filter. i turned off the machine at the mains, and attempted to remove the heater, as i unscrewed it, water started splashing every where, i quickly locked it back in place. i unlocked the other side where the tubes go, and the same thing happened again (water splashing out everywhere) i can't seem to find a way to stop the water from spilling out profusely. There is no button or anything to stop the water from flowing out. what do i do? how do i open the canister with little or no water spilling out of it? i need to change the filters inside it. i have a 200 litre tank, so u can imagine how much water is constantly spraying out, as soon as i attempt to open it. the water pressure dials don't seem to do much either.
So reminder for people who buy these filters and have issues with them, dont waste your time trying to seal the entire cap with teflon tape, just add a 2-3cm wide strip on the clip and youre good to go
I think anybody buying a new piece of kit has the right to expect it work and not leak. I wouldn't mess about with tape trying to fix a faulty product. Straight back to the shop for replacement or money back.
Every company is going to have a production error occasionally. Not identifying it is the problem.
I remember a story about a US company that sent a team over to Japan to understand a chip manufacturer's use of Just in Time Manufacturing (decades ago).

They asked about the error rate/ defective products within the batch just completed. The Japanese managers said it was 0.5% and handed the American team a bag. When they asked what was in the bag the Japanese managers said it's the defective chips.

The story is just that a story, however, with modern manufacturing there isn't any excuse for sending out defective products, particularly when the product is high cost precision product.
Always worth noting defective products is the responsibility of place of purchase whether shop or online. Some sellers will try to divert or wash their hands of this by giving you manafacturers address contact details. The seller is responsible in uk consumer regulations. You can always give the maker your input later
Bought a brand new Oase Filtosmart 100 today, upgrading from an Eheim 150 that I had for almost 4 years now and I have to say I am extremely disappointed, it leaks water everywhere through the main cap and locking mechanism, I added PTFE tape and theres simply no improvement, I cant believe it, I am so disappointed

Before adding PTFE

After PTFE

Is there anything I can do ?

I would suggest you also write to Oase HO and explain the situation and ask for some replacement seals into the bargain.
I would suggest you also write to Oase HO and explain the situation and ask for some replacement seals into the bargain.
I wrote to them on facebook more than a month ago and although theyve seen my message they havent responded, youre saying i should write via email ?
EB51C986-9900-44A7-9792-60E214668F3A.jpegHi a little off topic can I have my learned friends thoughts on a issue with the Oase350 thermo pre filter on my 180litre
The unit is just over 2 years old, The tab on the pre filter head has fractured and snapped off,
it started by not seating correctly I didn’t give it much thought however it eventually fractured i did try in vain to glue but it has now broken off completely Just for reference I clean pre filter sponges twice weekly
I imaged & forwarded to Oase receiving a same day reply as not being covered with the product warranty and was regarded as wear & tear providing me with the replacement part number.


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