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Botanicals/blackwater extract


21 Aug 2008
Not sure where to ask this so feel free to move to the right place if needs be.
I'm pretty new to the use of botanicals but have really fallen in love with what they can bring to a tank and blackwater tanks in general. Up until now I've only used locally collected stuff but have just taken delivery of some slightly more exotic stuff which is currently boiling away on the hob. The tannin stained water seems like such a waste to tip away so is there any reason why this can't be used as blackwater "extract"? If so, how long would it keep for?
I usually tip the water away as the botanicals add plenty for me I only have a light tint to the water but I've seen people adding the water to the tank. Not sure how long it keeps though. If you need extra colour in the tank you can also use Rooibos teabags or buy bottles of extract.
The tannin stained water seems like such a waste to tip away so is there any reason why this can't be used as blackwater "extract"?
I think you should be able to use this, as long as the exotic stuff is safe for tanks, the water from them should also be safe.
If so, how long would it keep for?
If it is boiling you could treat it like homemade jam or something like that, and pour it into sterilized glass jars and seal them up. It should last for a very long time then.
I think you should be able to use this, as long as the exotic stuff is safe for tanks, the water from them should also be safe.

If it is boiling you could treat it like homemade jam or something like that, and pour it into sterilized glass jars and seal them up. It should last for a very long time then.
I do that! Just add a bit after a water change to preserve the tannin stained look.
I usually tip the water away as the botanicals add plenty for me I only have a light tint to the water but I've seen people adding the water to the tank. Not sure how long it keeps though. If you need extra colour in the tank you can also use Rooibos teabags or buy bottles of extract.
It feels odd to tip something away, just to buy a bottle from elsewhere! If it's pretty much the same stuff then I'll save it and use it 🙂
Haha yes, I more meant for if you find it's paler than you want after water changes but you dont want to change out the botanicals yet.
I don't have a full on blackwater tank. I put the botanicals in as I like the way they look and it's nice hiding spots for the shrimps. I'm not too fussed about the water being stained very dark. The wood I have in it stains it quite a lot by itself so I just gave up trying to make it clear. Any health benefits to the occupants is a bonus.
I don't boil botanicals. I just put them in a jug & pour boiling water over, leave for 24 hrs to waterlog then tip them into the tank. They sink straight away & stay where you put them!
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I've always been a chuck it in person as well but I know where everything has come from as I'm cheap and only use things I've collected/grown myself. If you are less sure of the source then a quick wash is a good idea. I also don't mind if things float and sink around the back, or within the planting because they were free but might not be so amused if it was a nice seedpod I'd paid a few quid for and couldn't find in the planting anymore.

If it's the colour you want then I find alder cones really useful. We have small sized cones around here and it's simply to adjust the tint by adding a couple of these until you reach the desired level.
Hi all,
I know where everything has come from as I'm cheap and only use things I've collected/grown myself. If you are less sure of the source then a quick wash is a good idea.
I think a quick rinse might be a good idea for things you've bought. I'm the same as @mort and don't actually buy any "botanicals".
If it's the colour you want then I find alder cones really useful. We have small sized cones around here and it's simply to adjust the tint by adding a couple of these until you reach the desired level.
I'm an <"Alder cone fan"> as well, they don't take up as much room as leaves and store eternally dry. I first heard about them via <"Ian Fuller"> and he is definitely a "man who can".

cheers Darrel
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Thanks for all the input, as I say, I'm pretty new to using them so just went on what I'd read online (as one does!). I have to buy alder cones anyway but I've boiled the stuff I've foraged as it's from a local park and I dread to think what could be on it!
I have to buy alder cones anyway

Do you not have any locally? I chanced across a couple of small trees in my local park, and they get completely loaded with cones. Near rivers and lakes are good places to look too, as Alders seem to like wetter conditions.