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Bold very small schooling fish?

horadandia atukorali is one you could consider.. Not sure if you could get them there.. They would look great..

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All the dwarf Cory's do, really
my C hastatus spend a good portion of their time roaming over rocks & plant leafs & swimming about ie a glance at the tank almost always has Cory's in view moving about (I've ~15 hastatus & can generally count 6-10)
Note they are the only fish in a small tank (ADA 45P with "mist" back & sides - tank is in an East facing window) with mad amounts of baby shrimp (& a few adults) so perhaps this affects their behavior.

A friend has a tank with C. pygmaeus and they seem less inclined to be on view except when in rather larger numbers ... but there is also a lot more activity around this tank.

Interesting! Do you have a picture of the tank you keep the kubotai in?
Sorry no photos though I keep thinking of doing some 😉 - maybe when the new camera gets sorted ... (don't hold your breath!)

Tank is an old Oceanic 90cm x 45cm x 52cm (height)
Moderate CO2, flow, plants, light, soft acidic (tap) water ~pH 6.0 - 6.4

(sorry this was more detailed but disappeared 😕 when actually posted so now just the basics 😳 )
This would be kind of random but have you ever thought of Thai micro crabs. Very small. I think they would do wonders for scale being that they are so small. Just trying to think out of the box. They won't bother your fish at all. I'm not 100% but I thing your fish will not bother them also.

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I'm not personaly experienced with them.. But from wath i read the Rosy Loach, seems to be very bold little fish for their size and tho it's a loach it often schoals mid region of the tank. Not smaller but same size as Espei.. 🙂 Still might be a better choice for a shallow open top than rasbora's.. I was considering them myself, not yet decided.