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Bogo Vista - Nano


17 Mar 2008
So The New Tank Arrived this afternoon.
So over the last Hour have been busy setting it up.

  • Made By: Aquavista
    Size: 17*12.8*4 = 2.4G
    Filtration: Built in 150lph Internal
    Consumption: 2.5W

Hardscape: Bogwood

  • HC (Tropica 1-2-3Grow) 1 pot
    Green Tiger Lotus - Trimmed to stay small
    Hydrocoytle sp.japan
    Java Moss
    A few Moss Balls

  • Rilli Shrimp
    Micro Crabs
    Horned BumbleBee Nerites

I am Very Impressed with the tank as it was already assembled. All I had to do was plug it in.
The Internal Filter is easily Accessible and Simply took the Sponge out of the HOB and put it in this. It Does come with a Spray Bar, but decided not to us it on such a Narrow Tank.
Filled it with water from the Main Tank. And there you have a Cloned Tank ready to Go.
Will Be adding some form of Livebearer to it, depending on what takes me fancy @ tommorrow's auction.


Will Change the Mag Clipon Frame to another Color depending on if i like the look of silver.
Back from the fish auction and just finished acclimating the Fish for this.
A trio of Super Red Delta Tailed Guppies.
Also bought some Wild Guppies, and a Trio of Albino Peacock Bottom Sword Guppies. They have Gone outside with the Daphnia.
Not updated for a while.
Rilli Juvies are all Male, so have added a few of the Best female Cherries. And all have saddles, will be interesting to see what comes out of them as they grow.
Have had probs with the HC coming loose and floating, seem to have fixed this now. There is new growth on the clumps that have rooted.
Added a standard blue background. Unusually the background goes on the inside of the tank. And attaches with Suckers. Took a while to get in in and getting all the ripples out.

Oh and BTW I am going to be a LFS Store Manager in the next month or so, as soon as the contracts are exchanged. Cannot wait to get stuck in and learn all the business side of it from the current owners.
I'm really not a fan of this style of aquarium to be honest Gill, but I am looking forward to what you do inside it 😉

Good luck with the new position also!
Sentral said:
I'm really not a fan of this style of aquarium to be honest Gill, but I am looking forward to what you do inside it 😉

Good luck with the new position also!


I like the more unusual shaped tanks, and seeing what I can do with them.
I get more comments about this tank from friends/guests than any other tank I have owned.
Just come back from a friends house, after he saw this one and wants me to sort out his 5G goldfish tank with Non-Aquatic plants in it. So going LFS shopping on Wednesday to get supplies for his makeover. Fish I will be adding from my own stock of livebearers.
Going to be ordering some Indostomus Crocodilus in the future for this tank. And add More shrimp for them to predate on. As they love to eat shrimplets and snatch eggs from females.
HC is doing alot better and showing plenty of growth. Added a Bit more Bogwood as wanted more height. The Shrimp love it and explore more with more height in the tank. I am very tempted to take this tank with me to Work and set it up next to the till.
A friend gave me 6 Juvie Marbled Angels at the weekend for the main tank. One of the female fighters lunged on one of them and ripped its tail off. Managed to seperate them. Used a teeeny amount of clove oil to sedate it. then cleaned up the wound with a scalpel and dabbed it with betadine. Keeping it in this for now, as it needs to strengthen its swimming, as can only use its anal and dorsal for propulsion.
Tank is Doing very well.
I like a messy tank, as most know. So there is a good amount of mulm on the substrate. Shrimp love it and graze on this most of the day.
Rilli's are doing great and have good saddles developing. Angel is doing Very Well in here, building up its swimming, and will go back into the main tank one day.
Re: Bogo Vista - Death Strikes

So I come down this morning to turn on the lights, and What greets me.
My Lovely Angel stuck in amongst the Java Moss and Dead with Eyes Bulging.
Gutted as was a very Feisty angel, and was showing so much Promise. Had grown a Massive Dorsal fin.

I can only think it was chasing daphnia and became stuck.
Sad news Gill, that fish had no luck.
Gutted, as Really Gave it a fighting chance by operating on it and treating the wound with the correct liquid meds. Fed him on Gut Loaded Daphnia to make him stronger and a fighter. Sad really as In the Trade the Deformed fish never come thru to you unless one slips thru.
This was the 2nd Tailless I have Owned, the 1st was born without a tail. And I spotted it in the tank and snatched it up, even though the LFS was wanting to keep it for themselves.
Took the tank down for now, and placed the Berried Rilli Female in with the Sakuras for now. Guess it must have been a massive ammonia spike as could smell it when i lifted the lid on it earlier.