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Bog wood&Plants


12 Jan 2017
Got 3 big pieces of bog wood that need attaching together, but I've read so many different things ranging from cable ties to super glue to stainless steel screws, so, what's your best opinions on this??
also putting plants onto wood, rocks and in the substrate

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Hi all,
Got 3 big pieces of bog wood that need attaching together,
Screws are quick, but dowling is the best bet long term. You don't need to glue it, the dowel will expand under water and lock the wood bits together.

The advantage of the dowel over screws is that you can twist the wooden pieces around until you get it how you want it.

cheers Darrel
Hi all,Screws are quick, but dowling is the best bet long term. You don't need to glue it, the dowel will expand under water and lock the wood bits together.

The advantage of the dowel over screws is that you can twist the wooden pieces around until you get it how you want it.

cheers Darrel

Totally didn't think about dowel, heard glue was good because you can use it for moss aswell apparently that's what will be on the bog wood🙂

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Hi all, I super-glue (cyanoacrylate) moss etc. I think it doesn't tend to stay stuck for ever underwater, so individual bits bog-wood etc will eventually separate.

cheers Darrel

Hmm that's very useful I'll definitely go with dowel and super glue with moss, does it work with most plants? And could you recommend any brands please?

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Super glue works very good for a while to glue wood together.. But it actualy just hardens and becomes a little piece inert hard acrylic.
So bonding pieces together, the water will finaly creep under it and soften the wood and it lets loose again. To hold wood together on the long run you should put epiphytes on the joints so it can attach itslef to both pieces of wood over time and anchor it together.

I got a construction of 4 wood pieces and one stands erect like a tree trunk, about 30cm long just balancing on top of another piece and even reaching out of the tank.. Glued at first with a few drops of superglue and planted Anubias in all of the joints where all pieces touch eachother.. It still stands erect after 2 years and actualy pretty ferm solely held together by the plants.

Super glue works very good for a while to glue wood together.. But it actualy just hardens and becomes a little piece inert hard acrylic.
So bonding pieces together, the water will finaly creep under it and soften the wood and it lets loose again. To hold wood together on the long run you should put epiphytes on the joints so it can attach itslef to both pieces of wood over time and anchor it together.

I got a construction of 4 wood pieces and one stands erect like a tree trunk, about 30cm long just balancing on top of another piece and even reaching out of the tank.. Glued at first with a few drops of superglue and planted Anubias in all of the joints where all pieces touch eachother.. It still stands erect after 2 years and actualy pretty ferm solely held together by the plants.


That's amazing, would've never thought of that!

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Bolbitis heudelotii is one of the best 🙂 that plant realy eats itself into the wood and grows relatively fast and forms a very agressive dense root mat. Hard to get it off once it's fermly attached, if i pull the plant i pull the wood out of the substrate.. Anubias is a bit more fragile and needs a longer time but develops very strong penroots over time reaching down to the substrate and grow on in there able to tilt a piece of wood over. I did in my tank.. If you plan Bucephalandra, place it in high flow area and it developes a vigorous large rootsystem, the more flow this plant gets the better.

Anyway fern roots are made for that they do the best job of all..