Hi all!
I have finally gotten round to doing something without our new 240 litre tank! We've had it fo just over a month but haven't really done much with it. I started to cycle it bare, but have decided to scape if and see how we do once it's fully planted.
The dimensions of the tank are 100(w) x 140(h) x 42cm with 2 x 39watt T5 lighting. It also has a Fluval 405 filter and 300w heater and it looks like this : -

We had the pleasure of visiting TGM on the way home from a holiday in Angelsey. 2 bags of Malaya AquaSoil, 2 bag of Sarawak sand, 2 peices of wood and a lighter wallet later we were on our way home.
I first had to drain the tank as it was sat "cycling" for a while once I was left with roughly a cm of water (I wasdn't able to remover it all..) I started to add the Malaya. We contored the soil so that it was lower at the front and rising up to the back of the tank. We also positioned the two peices of wood.

After that we positioned a peice rock and added the Sarawak sand. We also added to larger pea gravel to give the effect of a path and to add so different texture to the substrate (I'm not 100% about it as I think the stones are a little too light in colour, but they were left over from setting up the first tank) so it looked like this.

Then came the delicate filling! I haven't got the plants yet and I didn't want to leave the filter not running until they get ordered and arrive. I place a plastic bag in the tank so that the incoming water didn't distroy the newly scaped tank.

This it the finished are tank pre-planting.
I hope you like it!
Here are an idea of some of the plants that we are planning to add (the list is... under negotiations 😉 )
Vesicularia dubyana 'Christmas' + other mosses
Hydrocotyle verticillata
Hemianthus callitrichoides 'Cuba'
Lilaeopsis brasiliensis
there will also be so taller plants to go into the background.
Photo updates in progression to show "progress".
Aug 14, 2009

Sep 15, 2009

Dec 02, 2009

Dec 07, 2009 (cleaned sand of algae)

Jan 06, 2010

Jan 28, 2010

Apr 01, 2010 (trim and replanting)

April 26, 2010 (remove algae on rock and on dwarf grass)

May 13, 2010 (changed direction of Hydro Korillia and added the Maxi-Jet powerhead middle right)

I have finally gotten round to doing something without our new 240 litre tank! We've had it fo just over a month but haven't really done much with it. I started to cycle it bare, but have decided to scape if and see how we do once it's fully planted.
The dimensions of the tank are 100(w) x 140(h) x 42cm with 2 x 39watt T5 lighting. It also has a Fluval 405 filter and 300w heater and it looks like this : -

We had the pleasure of visiting TGM on the way home from a holiday in Angelsey. 2 bags of Malaya AquaSoil, 2 bag of Sarawak sand, 2 peices of wood and a lighter wallet later we were on our way home.
I first had to drain the tank as it was sat "cycling" for a while once I was left with roughly a cm of water (I wasdn't able to remover it all..) I started to add the Malaya. We contored the soil so that it was lower at the front and rising up to the back of the tank. We also positioned the two peices of wood.

After that we positioned a peice rock and added the Sarawak sand. We also added to larger pea gravel to give the effect of a path and to add so different texture to the substrate (I'm not 100% about it as I think the stones are a little too light in colour, but they were left over from setting up the first tank) so it looked like this.

Then came the delicate filling! I haven't got the plants yet and I didn't want to leave the filter not running until they get ordered and arrive. I place a plastic bag in the tank so that the incoming water didn't distroy the newly scaped tank.

This it the finished are tank pre-planting.
I hope you like it!
Here are an idea of some of the plants that we are planning to add (the list is... under negotiations 😉 )
Vesicularia dubyana 'Christmas' + other mosses
Hydrocotyle verticillata
Hemianthus callitrichoides 'Cuba'
Lilaeopsis brasiliensis
there will also be so taller plants to go into the background.
Photo updates in progression to show "progress".
Aug 14, 2009

Sep 15, 2009

Dec 02, 2009

Dec 07, 2009 (cleaned sand of algae)

Jan 06, 2010

Jan 28, 2010

Apr 01, 2010 (trim and replanting)

April 26, 2010 (remove algae on rock and on dwarf grass)

May 13, 2010 (changed direction of Hydro Korillia and added the Maxi-Jet powerhead middle right)