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Blue Aura Shrimp


23 Mar 2011
South London
2012-3-11_21.56.44 by hotweldfire, on Flickr

Courtesy of Living Waters. Had them about 3 weeks I think. Got two about blue pearl colouration (including the one on the right) and another six much darker blue. Most darker than the one in foreground above. Got two berried now so fingers crossed. Just hope it wasn't one one of my CBS what done the deed. Need to get them or the auras out of this tank sharpish, new nano almost ready.

Here's some more info

http://www.shrimpnow.com/forums/showthr ... ue-Shrimps
http://www.shrimpnow.com/forums/showthr ... lue-Shrimp
I heard from German breeder offspring's are not blue but will be curious to see your report.
Very nice! Wish my lfs had more than just CRS.

Look forward to seeing what the offspring is like!
Really nice shrimp mate ! Looking forward to the results too. Have you done a thread for the new nano ?
Dincho said:
Sexy! Keep us updated on these, i have been tempted for a while but decided on the Blue Jelly instead. I could be tempted again after seeing the pics!

Few steps ahead of me........what's Blue Jelly please? Is it a Chanel No.5 hybrid / PRL combo?? :geek:
That will be another fake blue there have been so many blue shrimp already but only 1 is really blue and that's blue tiger which you have chance to get blue offspring's as well. Until I see blue offspring's I remain skeptical. 🙂

Oh and blue pearl as well if you do selective breeding.
Not dabbled in any blue shrimp yet Radik, but are you saying that they dont breed true?


Not even Blue Tigers breed true.

You can see pics of the Blue Jelly here:http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_6b4fea280100s9re.html
These don't breed true either, maybe 3 or 4 from each batch. I keep Blue Jelly and Incredible Hulk in a tank together and just remove the babies that don't pull rank, since doing this the numbers have risen a little. A few more years of selective breeding are needed to improve the ratio.
Well then none shrimp breed true blue. It is all selective breeding and culling out stock. But deep blue tigers have quite high ratio of blues now.
Is the norm to cull (kill) the offspring that don't show the colours or are they moved on?
No kill, cull out unwanted and gift somebody or sell cheap or have some tank with fish where they keep help numbers low on culled out shrimp. That's most human way I would say.