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blender method for moss?

alright glad to know! Im jsut going to go for it and if it doesnt work then i guess lesson learned lol! Hey whats life if your not on the edge lol
Another way to 'attatch' it is to chop it up small and alow it to completely dry out, like bone dry. Most mosses will bounce back from this sort of treatment. Within hours it should be good as new 🙂
How would allowing it to become bone dry allow it to attach? 🙂 I know most mosses will go into a dormant stage when it gets dry so that's cool to know!

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Has anyone ever tried putting a small amount of the baby diaper crystals that absorb water into the mixture before blending the moss?

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Hi Trey your emersed setup looks very good indeed. I was thinking of starting my nano tank as emersed then flooding at a later date. I'm a bit worried because I have no heat mat and my scape is a very steep incline. Would emersed culture work and what plants lend themselves to emersed culture??