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Black hair algae

23 Feb 2012

I have some black hair algae growing on my bog wood and some plants.
So far I thought it was pretty cool, patches of algae were very localised and limited and it looked rather good in my opinion...but over the last two weeks it bas been growing a lot over some of the plants...Enough to become a problem.
It was time for a major trim in my tank so I have done that and removed most of the affected leaves and patches on te bog wood, I left some tiny strands since I do really like the look of that particular algae (in small quantities)
Now, I am looking for a natural way to keep the algae under control...it would need to cohabit with guppies, small endlers, red cherry shrimps, sakura shrimps and orange sunkist shrimps, blue ramshorn snail and zebra snails...
I read in some places that apple snails will eat this algae but I read in other places that they only do so if there is nothing else available...
What to do?
Sounds like BBA - you need to nuke it as soon as possible, it's a time bomb. Clean as much out as you can then double dose excel for at least a week. There are plenty of threads about in the algae section. You must also sort out the reason it keeps appearing which is unstable/low CO2. Has your disposable CO2 run out recently?