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Biorb air questions

13 Nov 2023
Hi everyone
I have some biorb 30/60 questions if anyone has one. I'd like to know how long you can go without refilling/watering with a typical jungle scape in case you travel. Ideally I'd want to leave it alone for at least 5 weeks, even in the summer. Also curious about alternatives that are similarly automated.
That would depend on if you have any living creatures in there?
If not, you could turn everything off, put it under natural light and seal the top, should be good for 50 years or so …. Or at least that seems to be the record for a sealed terrarium !
That would depend on if you have any living creatures in there?
If not, you could turn everything off, put it under natural light and seal the top, should be good for 50 years or so …. Or at least that seems to be the record for a sealed terrarium !
Don't have anything yet, trying to decide if I should get into terrariums or not. I'd probably want to have sprintails and isopods, but nothing bigger.