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Big Plant Small Tank.

si walker

30 Mar 2020
Hi all.
I have set up a 20 litre Dennerle Cube a month a go to save some cuttings from the bin.
Its been great fun and allowed me to use it as a test tant.
So far full of red stems and crypts and two Clinthon Snails to keep things going!
Anyway today i wanted to remind myself not to be precious about the tank i purchased a Cryptocoryne Spiralis Red to put in the corner.
If it likes the environment and does well, maybe i will use the tank for Anubius as i am sure a lot of the light will be blocked.

I hate the way i have the fear, when it comes to changing my other tank around so this is really good for me!
Anyone else put crazy big plants in small tanks?

Keep you posted on this one!
