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Beware; Coincidence or is there a problem feeding frozen bloodworms, unexplained fish deaths.


29 Aug 2010
Hi Folks

I bought a fresh batch of frozen blood worms (BW) from my usual supplier and fed the fish which are predominately a mix of common tetras with a few Platys and the next day I had a couple of dead fish. Prior to this no disease and the water parameters all good in fact the tank hasn't looked as well for a while since I changed the lighting. So I was a bit puzzled as I've fed BW for years with no issues, two days later and two more dead fish with no signs of disease at all so I started treatment with Melafix no more deaths over a week.

So yesterday given everything seem fine and with no signs of disease I fed them BW and today three more dead fish all perfect to look at. My conclusion is that the BW is contaminated with a heavy bacterial load so the lot is going in the bin. It will be interesting to see if I have any more deaths over the next few days . I think I'll be switching to brine shrimp going forward as I believe this is cultured under cleaner conditions.

Anyone else had similar experience?

Sorry to hear that @andyone. I assume it was the same batch of food as the first time that you used a second time?

Potentially, it was food that was defrosted and refrozen, or simply off if so.
Before disposing of it, perhaps contact the manufacturer and give them the batch code in case it's a wider issue. They'll potentially be able to trace the batch/wholesaler/shop etc.

I hope the rest of the fish stay well.
Yes same batch/pack as the other three packs. Fortunately I still have them at present as I was intending to take them back to the shop tomorrow to gain their thoughts and hopefully ask them not to sell anymore. Hope they take heed and save a lot of fishy lives.

No more deaths today and have fed some flake . Hopeful it's an end to the issue.

Although unlikely the culprit in your case (with platys & tetras) I've stayed away from feeding the majority of Dicrossus species I've kept (Warzeli/Foirni/Maculatus) frozen bloodworm as they inevitably bloat and die
Hi all,
I've stayed away from feeding the majority of Dicrossus species I've kept (Warzeli/Foirni/Maculatus) frozen bloodworm as they inevitably bloat and die
I think they need very careful feeding once they are adult. I managed to <"bloat mine"> even without feeding Bloodworms.
I bought a fresh batch of frozen blood worms (BW) from my usual supplier
I feed live ones, <"I've ranched myself">, but I don't use <"commercially collected Bloodworms or Tubifex"> live or frozen.

cheers Darrel
No more deaths again today. Another dose of Melafix as a precaution.
Took the packs back to the shop and explained the situation following which they have removed the BW from sale and swapped them to Brine shrimp.

I'm not convinced they died of bloat the bodies were all fin perfect fish of a normal shape and were all eating well before eating the BW. My theory is;

1) The BW had thawed and decomposed with a high bacterial load with associated toxin content or
2) Cultured in a dirty environment with a toxic load of bacteria in BW's gut +/- toxin.

The platies are always first to the feast at feeding time along with the female Lemon Tetra 's so I suspect they got the biggest dose first time around and paid the price.

Plan is to continue with Melafix for a few more days and then a 50% water change and feed as normal as the remaining fish all seem fit and well. I'll post back if there is any reoccurrence as it would suggest it wasn't the BW but I'm nearly 100% convinced it was the culprit.

