Thank you for all the tips guys! So are you saying once my cherries have multiplied, they will outcompete the snails for food, resulting in a decimation of snails? thats good cos I have just purchased 9 cherry shrimp earlier, all of which are in my holding tank for my otos. I noticed one of them being berried too 😉 Gonna do a 10% waterchange on my new tank tomorrow to hopefully get rid of nitrates, and then i'll chuck the otos and cherries in. Daaamn they're gonna have a feast 😉
If worst comes to worst i'll get some esha gastropex alistair 🙂
Also, i will probably just try making one of those snail traps just for kicks, that looks like an awesome idea! lol 😛
Does it depend more on the kH and gH?
If worst comes to worst i'll get some esha gastropex alistair 🙂
Also, i will probably just try making one of those snail traps just for kicks, that looks like an awesome idea! lol 😛
Is a low pH bad for all snails?if you keep the water on the acidic side of neutral pH they can't form their carbonate shells...this definitely keeps the population in check
Does it depend more on the kH and gH?