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Best way to attach Fissidens fontanus to bogwood tree?

Yes, superglue will leave some white part, but Fissidens will grow fast over it and covers the little bit of white...
It cures really fast...about 10 seconds
All this moss has been glued with superglue....and looks like this now (next pic.)

Martin this is lovely. Do you have a journal on this???
I've used superglue many times myself.........It was produced to stick human wounds in medicine.

Specifically, it was first used during the Vietnam war where it was deployed in an aerosol to patch up battle damaged liver tissue which is near impossible to sew. When I was building model kits as kid way back when, I read an article on Superglue featured in an issue of US forces Soldier magazine in the 60's. This was handy to know because I always occasionaly slipped with the scalpel and kept more superglue than plasters, lol. It's advantage in Liver repair was that the bond produced is porous and allows molecular transportation between the adjoined tissues across the bond. It's still used today in many areas of medicine, the medically safe version is known as Histoacryl (Hist-a-krill).

I'm currently constructing an Anubia wall for my shrimp tank, mesh is vinyl though so adherence for the Anubia to the plastic may be an issue using superglue. I suppose it won't stop me gluing the moss to the base of the Anubias though and letting it grow from there, should be safe as long as I don't smother the rhizome and restrict its growth (superglue won't stop nutrient transport across the bond).