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'Best Of' Thread?


25 Jun 2009
Basingstoke, Hampshire
Hey everyone,

Was just looking back at a few of the great tanks from you guys and thought it would be a cool idea to have a 'Best Of' thread or section (in the same way as the 'featured scape') that would be used as an easy resource of inspiration.

The scapes contained in said thread could be voted for for democracies sake.

Like a 'Wall of Fame' maybe even with sub sections such as 'Scape of the Month' etc etc.

What did you think?

Great idea.

I propose you create a new thread and folk are invited to post their favourite 'scapes. I will pin the thread if it's successful.

The thread could possibly evolve into polls, contests etc.
George Farmer said:
I propose you create a new thread and folk are invited to post their favourite 'scapes. I will pin the thread if it's successful.

This sounds like a good first move, cheers George for your support.

I'll start it on Friday when I've got a day off and put a link to it on here :thumb up:

Need to get my head around the format, ways of voting and then how to go about compiling it all.