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Best Filtration for keeping vast amounts of Shrimps (Brackish)


3 Apr 2016
Hi I collect and sell River shrimps I keep them in a 10000 litre tank with a 8000 litre pump pushing the water through a large pressurised oases 20000 canister filter, the outlet then is sprayed through some jap mat then the water flows down through the jap mat in to a tank full of Grog media then flows back into the tank with the shrimps.
1, is this a good set up and how can it be improved?
2, I have problems with ammonia and no3 nitrate
3, Gh Kh all good but ph is usually around 7.5 is this OK for shrimps?
4, I have to do half water changes every week to keep the nitrate down and the shrimps happy 😛
any advice appreciated thanks in advance Steve
If you have problems with ammonia and nitrate it suggests that your filter isn't working properly
Can you post a few pics or a video do we can see and suggest a remedy

If you were to compare this to a planted tank where the water is circulated upto 10 times per hour
Then your flow is very poor

In my ponds I like to turn over the volume at least twice an hour

Thank you for your reply s I am in the process of building an outbuilding and will build a 10 foot by 8 foot 2 to 3 foot deep pond with a liner. Foxfish could you do a rough sketch of the best way to create a trickle tower, I will post up pick once I have completed the set-up thanks Steve
I could but the principle is so basic I don't think I need too..... fill a container with bio balls & trickle water down through the balls, that's it 🙂

If you can place the trickle filter above the tank, you just need to pump the water from your tank into the top of the container & let it flow back into the tank.
The best design has a perforated plate above the bio balls that allows an even trickle but a spray bar will also work.
You can read about the effectiveness of trickle towers compared to submerged media filters but at the very least they can support double the bacteria - perhaps 10 times!
The simple fact is, the bacteria will have unlimited atmospheric oxygen levels in a trickle tower.
Also to add I have GROG sitting submersed in water with water flowing through, and I have noticed that after a week I have a thick film of dirt and muck all over the grog witch I think is polluting the water as the water goes a yellowy colour and the pressure filter is not collecting it.
Would the grog still be efficient if I was to trickle water over it instead of being submersed in the water? so my theory is no dirt would collect in it thanks again Steve
Thanks Foxfish common sense really can Grog be used in a trickle filter ?
Yes, but you would need to pre filter the water to stop the media pores blocking up for the best effect.
Any plastic media is good, scouring pads are great & cheap, plastic packing tape is even cheaper.
I tend to rinse my bioballs every few weeks in a bucket of tank water.
Thank you!
My alfagrog is blocking up because it is sitting in water so the dirt is not escaping. So by water trickling over the grog it has Less chance of blocking , I was also pre filtering before the grog but it still was collecting dirt and poising the water and shrimps I have over 50,000 at any time (they drop a lot of detritus) ..so I will try unsubmerged grog and see how we go thanks again for advise 🙂.
I have been selling these for over 10 years you would have thought I would know by now lol 😎
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I would have a foam pre filter in the pump intake

Use plastic drain pipe to make a trickle tower
Just cap one end use it as the base drill it full of holes, enough so water flows through easily but media stays inside
Use filter foam or filter matting on the top to collect any crap that goes through your pump and to disperse the water over all the media

Use alfagrog or anything you can get your hands on

The taller the tower the better

Or use multiple towers

You can put a pics of 3/4" overflow pipe down the centre
Drill it full of holes but keep it empty, this allows plenty of air to reach all parts of the filter

Or you can use plastic stackable containers
Just drill lots of holes in the base of each one, fill with media, stack them up, use filter foam or matting in top one

Hi All for the life of me I cannot get my PH to rise I have done numerous water changes put Bicarbonate of Soda even a net full of limestone but my Ph still is below 6.5 not good for invertebrates any ideas ? thanks in advance Steve
Sorted! dead shrimps trapped in-between my trays of grog don't know how they got their must have been very small and sucked through my pre-filter cleaned and another 50% water change Ph back up . :thumbup:
Get a shop blower airpump and run a few large sponge filters off them. Sponge filters are good for shrimp cos of the aeration as well as grazing surface for the shrimp plus some more media for bacteria could colonise.

If the tank is outdoors and gets some sun then you could add some floating plants
Shrimps still not to happy i have moved my set up outside so I have room to build a proper outhouse , I think my system has stopped cycling because since I have moved them the temperature has not risen above 8 c and I am getting high ammonia and still high nitrate ph is ok at 7 and nitrite is 0 when I put my hand in the tank the water feels very cold I put in a bottle of live bacterial last night which has brought down the ammonia a tad. i have to go and collect shrimps today as I have a 60 bag order in the morning. any Ideas ? ta
Forgot that it was brackish. That said I think Hyacinths and pistia would do ok. We see a lot of them in the backwaters which are often brackish
Interesting. That could save the OP on filtration costs if done right.