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Best filter for a Betta?!

Amazing I’ll have a look into it, I want to buy a filter separate rather than get a built in one I think 🤔 I’ve had to go back to drawing board again about what tank to get as I want a stand too but finding a 50l without the filter inside seems like a nightmare!
Yes, you might be better going for a 60.
Yes, you might be better going for a 60.
Yeah I’ve managed to find a decent 60. However, my question is, reckons the better would get bored if it’s just him and shrimp? I plan on densly planting and giving him enrichment. in my mind no such thing as too much space for a fish!
Yeah that’s one of the ones I’ve been looking at Funnily enough, the glass that sits on the top, is that sufficient enough to keep the heat in?
Yeah I’ve managed to find a decent 60. However, my question is, reckons the better would get bored if it’s just him and shrimp? I plan on densly planting and giving him enrichment. in my mind no such thing as too much space for a fish!
He won't get bored, so long as his environment is good and has lots of areas to explore, he'll much prefer being on his own 🙂 some Betta can tolerate company/ignore other species but they won't interactor entertain each other. Unless the Betta tries to eat them or kill them! I've had Betta who can't even have shrimp with them as they annihilate them, but others who will just do their own thing.
He won't get bored, so long as his environment is good and has lots of areas to explore, he'll much prefer being on his own 🙂 some Betta can tolerate company/ignore other species but they won't interactor entertain each other. Unless the Betta tries to eat them or kill them! I've had Betta who can't even have shrimp with them as they annihilate them, but others who will just do their own thing.
So its pretty pointless have having shrimp then isn’t it, more for my own preference. Am i right in thinking cherry shrimps definitely can’t go in with them? The normal amano shrimp wont attach/eat the betta will they ? Just the betta will eat them?
The amano will be fine, the cherries may not! The amano won't bother the Betta, but the Betta will see anything that will fit in his mouth as potential food. If there are plenty of hiding places, they will probably be OK, but you may not see them. You may also find that the one you get is fine and doesn't bother eating the shrimp! It's usually best to add the Betta last though as he will be more likely to see the things in the tank already as part of the environment. If he's already there and a group of small, wiggly shrimp appear he is more likely to think "dinner"!
Yeah that’s one of the ones I’ve been looking at Funnily enough, the glass that sits on the top, is that sufficient enough to keep the heat in?
I assume so....but you would need to use a internal filter unless you purchase a piece of acrylic and mode it to fit around the eternal filter/hang on/hob!
Bettas I hear jump, even through small gaps, therefore its something you have to be conscious of!
The amano will be fine, the cherries may not! The amano won't bother the Betta, but the Betta will see anything that will fit in his mouth as potential food. If there are plenty of hiding places, they will probably be OK, but you may not see them. You may also find that the one you get is fine and doesn't bother eating the shrimp! It's usually best to add the Betta last though as he will be more likely to see the things in the tank already as part of the environment. If he's already there and a group of small, wiggly shrimp appear he is more likely to think "dinner"!
Fab betta last for sure!
Mine does not eat his entertainers 🙂
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oh amazing! Are those cherry shrimp? They’re gorgeous and so is your betta, what type is he? Ima defo get shrimp then i think and hope for the best!
It is a half moon, quite un-aggressive. The tank is open, he never jumped.
But my guess is, there are many individual differences in behaviour, even for same species.
I run a hob filter with sponge on the inflow, and a planted half coconut under the waterfall, to reduce the flow.
It is a half moon, quite un-aggressive. The tank is open, he never jumped.
But my guess is, there are many individual differences in behaviour, even for same species.
I run a hob filter with sponge on the inflow, and a planted half coconut under the waterfall, to reduce the flow.
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He’s gorgeous! What tank is that you have? I’ve going back n forth between a few tanks and really can’t make up my mind!
Depends on the Betta. I’ve had both Amanos and RCS with a Betta and shrimps were fine. With lots of plants and hiding places they were good.
yeah I agree totally depends on the temperament of the one you get but my thinking is once my tank is set up is to put in the shrimp let them settle and chill then add my betta and cross my fingers and hope for the best
The longer tail betta varieties tend to be more peaceful than plakat (short fin) types. But it still varies from individual to individual.
Maybe you can pick one at the store which isnt the most ferocious (charging the glass and objects in the tank, flaring etc) and go for a bit of a Ferdinand type (but not one that is laying on the bottom or seeming listless or ill of course)
The longer tail betta varieties tend to be more peaceful than plakat (short fin) types. But it still varies from individual to individual.
Maybe you can pick one at the store which isnt the most ferocious (charging the glass and objects in the tank, flaring etc) and go for a bit of a Ferdinand type (but not one that is laying on the bottom or seeming listless or ill of course)
Thank you I’ll bare that in mind I’ll be looking into their Behaviour before i even entertain going and getting one so I have more of a idea what to look for when selecting my betta!