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Best filter for a Betta?!


19 May 2023
Newport south wales
Hey all, yet another thread from me!

slowly getting there with the planning stages of my Aquarium. when i had fish over a decade ago i bought a standard filter with a sponcge for some small fish and shrimp that i had honestly cannot remember what they were now maybe tetras..

but now with a betta i know they need a soft/light flow on a filter.. BUT THERES SO MANY OPTIONS - has anyone found one that works best?
With regards to media, I’ve read that quite a few people change out the sponges for other things, is this essential/better or will sponge medias do the job if i get a sufficient filter and keep on top of maintenance. I mean if fiddling around and DIY’ing it is best then I’ll for sure do that.

and does CO2 come under this category too cause that’s a whole different minefield where i dont even know where to start on that one!

thanks again all 🙂
You should be fine with sponges that come with filter, especially if you plan on keeping plants as they will be your best filter anyway. Many people her, for example, use the anaß Biomaster filter and run it with the sponges it comes with.
You should be fine with sponges that come with filter, especially if you plan on keeping plants as they will be your best filter anyway. Many people her, for example, use the anaß Biomaster filter and run it with the sponges it comes with.
Amazing thank you for getting back to me, there’s so many options I didn’t even know where to start. I knew my plants would do most the job but didn’t wanna flake out on getting a decent filter. Ill have a look at the one you mentioned!
Best if you purchase a filter with adjustable flow rate, there are lots out there....Dennerle Corner filter/Eheim Liberty Hob/Super Fish Hang On filter...there are obviously others!!!
Have a read at this Tutorial below regarding Co2 by Ceg/Clive
Best if you purchase a filter with adjustable flow rate, there are lots out there....Dennerle Corner filter/Eheim Liberty Hob/Super Fish Hang On filter...there are obviously others!!!
Have a read at this Tutorial below regarding Co2 by Ceg/Clive
Hey thanks for that I’ll have a look, i looked at the biomaster that was shockingly expensive, I didn’t quite realize how much filters cost. This is gonna be the most spoilt fish haha! Ill have a look at those brands you’ve mentioned
I only gave the Oase Biomaster as an example, not as a recommendation. I’ve now idea how big a tank you will have so can’t advise on filter. @GHNelson has given sound advice on the range of types available.
I understand from one of your previous threads that you intend buying a tank with a cover, in which case it would be far easier to just use an internal filter. There would be no need to modify the cover for a HOB or external filter.
The Aquael Pat Mini suggested by @Myrtle is fine. The flow is adjustable with a basic sponge element so easy to clean & I believe there is a spraybar attachment available.
One of the cats head-butted me & I hit submit, still haven't got the hang of editing a post yet, I'm a bit of a luddite!
Obviously there are plenty of internal filters available but I would avoid ones with a premade cartridge. A sponge element will be fine in a heavily planted tank & they last for years!
I believe you're looking at a 50l tank, so I wouldn't worry about external filtration, though you can upgrade to that later if you want. Betta aren't fans of too much flow anyway. For reference, I have a 60l tank with other flow hating fish filtered by a single Aquael Pat mini.
Would you say that filter you have would be suitable for a betta?
I understand from one of your previous threads that you intend buying a tank with a cover, in which case it would be far easier to just use an internal filter. There would be no need to modify the cover for a HOB or external filter.
The Aquael Pat Mini suggested by @Myrtle is fine. The flow is adjustable with a basic sponge element so easy to clean & I believe there is a spraybar attachment available.
yeah think with a lid is best due to the bettas jumping, which is a shame cus a lot of the lids are hella ugly and chunky haha! thank you yeah looking at other posts sponges seem to be the way forward rather than premade cartridges! The filter i had year ago had sponges in but was a cheap filter and defo too rough for a betta! Thank you both. And also, the guinea pig in your pic looks like a spitting image of my Guinness !
yeah think with a lid is best due to the bettas jumping
Not only because jumping, but - above all - they posses labyrinth and they get easily sick if the air above the surface is remarkably colder than water. Bettas require warm water, 27 °C is recommended.
As for the filter: The simplest and cheapest sponge filter will do.
Not only because jumping, but - above all - they posses labyrinth and they get easily sick if the air above the surface is remarkably colder than water. Bettas require warm water, 27 °C is recommended.
As for the filter: The simplest and cheapest sponge filter will do.
Amazing yeah I thought so, keeps the warmth in. Thank you!
Sadly Piggy is no longer with us but I keep the photo in her memory. 😞
Have you seen the Fluval Flex 57l tanks? A few people have them on here (me included) they have a bow front with a streamlined cover & all the hardware is hidden in a compartment at the back so no risk of fins being burned on the heater. The standard light is reasonable for low tech plants with a dimmer & simple colour range. I'm not sure whether the filter flow would need to be modified though, a betta keeper would be more able to advise you there. The flow is quite strong & you wouldn't want the poor betta blasted around the tank or penned up a corner because it couldn't swim properly!
Sadly Piggy is no longer with us but I keep the photo in her memory. 😞
Have you seen the Fluval Flex 57l tanks? A few people have them on here (me included) they have a bow front with a streamlined cover & all the hardware is hidden in a compartment at the back so no risk of fins being burned on the heater. The standard light is reasonable for low tech plants with a dimmer & simple colour range. I'm not sure whether the filter flow would need to be modified though, a betta keeper would be more able to advise you there. The flow is quite strong & you wouldn't want the poor betta blasted around the tank or penned up a corner because it couldn't swim properly!
Awh so sorry to hear that, that’s the same with my Guinness 🙁 fabulous i have heard about those yes but haven’t looked into them yet. I’ll definately have a look! I’m sure i could modify the filer or change it out for a different one if it’s removable! You’ve been great with all my posts i really appreciate it!
Absolutely 🙂 the flow adjustment can cut it down to almost nothing. I would suggest just a simple air driven sponge filter, but I've had issues with these in higher temperature tanks and not distributing the heat well.
Oh amazing so i can literally just adjust the flow on it.
Sadly Piggy is no longer with us but I keep the photo in her memory. 😞
Have you seen the Fluval Flex 57l tanks? A few people have them on here (me included) they have a bow front with a streamlined cover & all the hardware is hidden in a compartment at the back so no risk of fins being burned on the heater. The standard light is reasonable for low tech plants with a dimmer & simple colour range. I'm not sure whether the filter flow would need to be modified though, a betta keeper would be more able to advise you there. The flow is quite strong & you wouldn't want the poor betta blasted around the tank or penned up a corner because it couldn't swim properly!
I’ve just had a quick look at that tank the filters built in, is it able to come out at all or is it completely fixed to the tank im just worried in case for any reason it broke etc
No the filter chamber is divided into three sections which allow the water to pass through. The first can take the heater, the middle one houses filter media. It's a big sponge with cutouts to take small bags of ceramic media. Then the last section contains the pump which draws the water through all the sections & out into the tank. The pump sits on the bottom on little suckers & you can pull it out for maintenance. I'm on my second one as the first one wore the impeller out after a few years & it rattled but it was easier buying a whole new pump rather than tracking down an impeller!
Yeah, it has a little slide on it which turns it up or down. A lot off internal filters do have this feature, but some (mainly the cheapest of thee cheap) don't so it's best to read the blurb before buying.
Amazing I’ll have a look into it, I want to buy a filter separate rather than get a built in one I think 🤔 I’ve had to go back to drawing board again about what tank to get as I want a stand too but finding a 50l without the filter inside seems like a nightmare!