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Best co2 regulator for co2 cylinders

If you can buy the UNS Pro Series regulator, I would suggest it (it’s also a dual stage regulator) with a better needle valve than the CO2 Art models.


I realise it’s an extra expense but you could always swap the needle valve? I’ve got an old Dupla needle valve I bought years ago. No idea how good it is but it’s solidly built.
I have managed to get my hands on a brand new Strideways dual Stage Pro regulator plus! Very excited because so far I've been using Sodastream bottles and am getting fed up of leaks with my old regulator - and having to constantly replacing the bottles.
However, there's an undocumented feature! The instruction manual and videos online don't show the ?Valve with the ring underneath the adjustment knob.
Can anyone enlighten me please?


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Makes sense but am I supposed to do anything with it? 🤔
As it has a ring on it I guess you can use it to release the pressure when you swap the CO2 cylinder over.
I can’t see why there’d be the need for a ring on a simple automatic pressure release valve?

Edit: CO2 Supermarket call it a Purge Valve. See instructions:


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Hi everyone.
I will be buying the :
1x Strideways Co2 regulator plus dual stage
1x Co2 art in-line diffuser
And co2 tube .
Please can you tell me on the tube that comes from the regulator to plug o on the diffuser can I add
CO2Art Pro-Series Precision Inline Check Valve ?
Or what valve do you advise
Thanks very much
Hi everyone.
I will be buying the :
1x Strideways Co2 regulator plus dual stage
1x Co2 art in-line diffuser
And co2 tube .
Please can you tell me on the tube that comes from the regulator to plug o on the diffuser can I add
CO2Art Pro-Series Precision Inline Check Valve ?
Or what valve do you advise
Thanks very much
I don’t suppose you’ll need a check valve. The resistance to flow of water towards the regulator is going to be too great anyway.
I would suggest buying a check valve. Place it in between the inline atomizer and the bubble counter. When you turn off the canister for maintenance, water from the atomizer will bleed back towards the bubble counter. A check valve will stop this from happening. I highly recommend the CO2 Art check valve.

Regarding not having bubbles in the tank, the only way this is possible in by using a CO2 reactor. You can see the mist in the attached photo. I would suggest buying a backup diffuser so you can swap them out periodically. I clean mine by placing them in a 50/50 solution of bleach and water. I have used inline reactors since the came out. The newer flow through models allow you to exchange the diffusers (such as the CO2 Art version). I hope this info is helpful.




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I would suggest buying a check valve. Place it in between the inline atomizer and the bubble counter. When you turn off the canister for maintenance, water from the atomizer will bleed back towards the bubble counter. A check valve will stop this from happening. I highly recommend the CO2 Art check valve.

Regarding not having bubbles in the tank, the only way this is possible in by using a CO2 reactor. You can see the mist in the attached photo. I would suggest buying a backup diffuser so you can swap them out periodically. I clean mine by placing them in a 50/50 solution of bleach and water. I have used inline reactors since the came out. The newer flow through models allow you to exchange the diffusers (such as the CO2 Art version). I hope this info is helpful.


Thank you for your help.
I did order the CO2 Art check valve 😊.
Are you using the inline diffuser or inline reactor ?.
I will try the co2 art diffuser and see how it goes regarding bubble or mist like on your picture.
I will prefer a non bubble or mist in the thank...
I was looking into the sera reactor too.
What's your advise on a reactor ? Do you have any experience?
I ordered the co2 art inline diffuser and co2 art valve too...
Thanks in advance
I am using a Quanvee branded 16mm inline diffuser. These are all made in China and then branded for marketing. I have also used the 12mm variety when I had a smaller filter and tank.

Best regards,
