Miss Pennyapple
Hi all, new to the forum and looking for some advice please on my planted tropical setup and its algae issues!
Here are the tank stats;
Tropical tank setup about 6 months ago, fishless cycled and now home to 10 Rummy Nose Tetras.
165L AquaOne.
Lighting is 70w total and lighting period is 5 1/2 hours a day on a timer.
Tank is moderately planted but the plants haven't been doing so well recently and its all looking much less lush than when it was originally set up!
I dose with Tropica micro ferts once a week as per bottle, NPK twice a week (5ml each time) and Easycarbo every other day (3ml each time).
I've been battling several types of algae for months now. Originally it was staghorn after the tank cycled so I started a regular NPK ferts schedule and that algae disappeared. Then came the BBA! I wasn't adding carbon at this point so started adding Easycarbo to try to combat the BBA and it's certainly cut it back and its not as bad as it was, but some still remains. But since adding the liquid carbon a whole new algae is taking over - green hair algae. It's about a cm or two in length and has covered many plant leaves in a soft fuzz. It affects both old and new plant leaves but not the rocks or filter casing etc.
Looking for any advice or help you knowledgable guys can offer please! The tank used to be lush and plants doing well but over the months the Amazon swords have been plagued by algae and although they put out new leaves all the time the plants never seem to look much healthier! The Lobelias and Ludwigia I added a few months back have slowly disintegrated and I'm about the throw them out they look so sorry for themselves! I'm off to aquatics shop tomorrow to buy a whole new load of plants in an effort to try to beat the algae and make the tank look fresher again. I think I'm also going to take off all the old Amazon sword leaves and start with just the new leaves to see if this helps the plants.
Do you guys think I should increase NKP and micro ferts? Is lighting too much/too little maybe? Looking forward to any feedback! Can't seem to upload photos at the moment - uploading jpgs but keep getting error message about the file extension?? Thanks very much.
Here are the tank stats;
Tropical tank setup about 6 months ago, fishless cycled and now home to 10 Rummy Nose Tetras.
165L AquaOne.
Lighting is 70w total and lighting period is 5 1/2 hours a day on a timer.
Tank is moderately planted but the plants haven't been doing so well recently and its all looking much less lush than when it was originally set up!
I dose with Tropica micro ferts once a week as per bottle, NPK twice a week (5ml each time) and Easycarbo every other day (3ml each time).
I've been battling several types of algae for months now. Originally it was staghorn after the tank cycled so I started a regular NPK ferts schedule and that algae disappeared. Then came the BBA! I wasn't adding carbon at this point so started adding Easycarbo to try to combat the BBA and it's certainly cut it back and its not as bad as it was, but some still remains. But since adding the liquid carbon a whole new algae is taking over - green hair algae. It's about a cm or two in length and has covered many plant leaves in a soft fuzz. It affects both old and new plant leaves but not the rocks or filter casing etc.
Looking for any advice or help you knowledgable guys can offer please! The tank used to be lush and plants doing well but over the months the Amazon swords have been plagued by algae and although they put out new leaves all the time the plants never seem to look much healthier! The Lobelias and Ludwigia I added a few months back have slowly disintegrated and I'm about the throw them out they look so sorry for themselves! I'm off to aquatics shop tomorrow to buy a whole new load of plants in an effort to try to beat the algae and make the tank look fresher again. I think I'm also going to take off all the old Amazon sword leaves and start with just the new leaves to see if this helps the plants.
Do you guys think I should increase NKP and micro ferts? Is lighting too much/too little maybe? Looking forward to any feedback! Can't seem to upload photos at the moment - uploading jpgs but keep getting error message about the file extension?? Thanks very much.