I thought that was why I'd killed a lot of our fish by spending an hour or more cleaning with the filter off
Can you provide details on this scenario (or just leave it in the past if you like
🙂 )
I do think one needs to be a bit more careful with the Edge than more open tanks - there is little surface area for gas exchange given the limited access to what is essentially a close box aquarium.
If you're going to do a through maintenance session on this tank,
1) perform a quick 25% water change - this should ensure good levels of oxygen in the water column especially if you leave the filter running during the water change - all that splashing while the water level is lower, helps with air mixing from atmosphere into the water
Likely a convenient way to re-add water to the Edge is with a watering can (I have a Haws with rose attachment - just as an example of the end piece, any brand should do), again the gently splash will provide good oxygenation while not disturbing substrate etc.
2) lower water level several cm's (after that 25% water change ie remove 30% of the water & re-add 20% to end up with a good working level) so that while filter is off/gone, there is a nice big interface for gas exchange between water & air
3) add additional Prime - note that unless you pretreat the change water before adding it back into the tank, any water conditioner should always be dosed for the entire tank volume.
If planning on disturbing substrate or debris (trapped in plants or hardscape etc), then I always add a second dose.
If there's a sudden release of a lot of debris, I'll add yet another dose - Prime & similar water conditioners don't hang about in the tank water for hours waiting for newly released grunge, most of the active compound is
consumed within 10 - 20 min ... I'm using my poor recall here, it may be a bit longer - there are actual studies on this done with Prime if you can find them; if you use an alternative brand, contact their tech department & ask for details on reactivity, binding studies, duration etc,
Eg, Kordon had some excellent information sheets on their website though it seems they may only be available upon request now
Note that whenever adding anything to my tanks, I always dilute whatever additive into a cup (or litre) of treated tap water (or tank water)
(Prime has a unique structure such that it binds nitrogenous compounds that many other water conditioners don't, it also has very little in the way of (unnecessary) surfactants such as PEG (versions of which give most conditioners that viscosity & "slime coat" protection etc ... while not considered "toxic" it is considered an "irritant" - which is why it promotes slime coat production in fishes ... so that's true enough)
4) add back the filter or an airstone or perform a quick 25% water change if you observe livestock stress - not always so easy to diagnose, shrimp zoom in stress, but also when excited (mating, food, who knows) & reclusive fish pale & hide the instant the filter goes off (or I look at them too closely
🙄 )
5) how long can a filter be "off" - this depends ... the main requirement of the bacteria of interest (those N-cycle guys are especially important but there are other bacteria & microfauna performing other maintenance duties) is damp + oxygen, so if you leave a sludge bound sponge or other media sitting for hours (especially if it's hot), expect some slowdown of your N-cycle group (most enter a hibernation type phase before actual death so just some daily water changes for a few days will generally see your filter back in condition).
If you have a lightly stocked tank or more enduring fish or lots of active plant growth, changes in filter efficacy may go unnoticed