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Barb Island. its all over.

Re: 90x75x45 optiwhite. microsorum melt

I do have a bit of a puzzle though.. as you can see in this cropped pic, leaves have died off on the microsorum trident just at the front over the last week?? They used to go all the way down to the stone!! The trident leaves to the right are fine? As always my first assumption is co2, however the crypts in front of it are waving about so i dont understand why it would be an issue...??


any ideas
Re: 90x75x45 optiwhite. new plan..??

What about glass bloodfins? Not too large, shoal quite well and have a nice flash of red on the tail? Subtle due to the clear body which would make the tail pop against the green plants.

Or red phantoms, or black ruby barbs?

Re: 90x75x45 optiwhite. new plan..??

awtong said:
What about glass bloodfins? Not too large, shoal quite well and have a nice flash of red on the tail? Subtle due to the clear body which would make the tail pop against the green plants.

Or red phantoms, or black ruby barbs?


hey andy, as you can see i went with the barbs 🙂 however still undecided with the cardinals...? Stay or go..??? Ive had them so long now would be a shame to get rid and they do stay in bottom/mid water which works well with the harlequins higher up.
No rush though, happy for now.

Cherry Barbs (8M/4F) really have no fear, immediately swimming all over without a care in the world and colouring up nice now.
Checker barbs (7M/3F) are a little more shy but getting bolder by the day and again colours coming through, great watching there little skirmish's, 7 males are always testing each other. They are showing an interest in the RCS though, not too worried though.

Funny how the whole tank has come to life since adding the barbs, where the cardinals would always hide in the stems before they are now free swimming. I also saw 2 ottos for the first time in 3 months... think everyone was lonely :lol:
Re: 90x75x45 optiwhite. Barb Island

awtong said:
Those checkers look great, I have not seen ones with colour like that for a long time. A nice touch and something a bit different.


Yeah, i'm rapidly falling in love with them :lol: notice during WC that the silver on them is quite blue, might have to try some different bulbs some time.
Re: 90x75x45 optiwhite. Barb Island

Set-up is looking really good! Like the fish selection too, haven't really seen checkered barbs before, not even in shops. A video would be amazing :thumbup:

Also, whats the main carpet plant? Is it lilaeopsis brasiliensis? Couldn't find what it was in the thread.

Re: 90x75x45 optiwhite. Barb Island

well finally figured out the movie thing.... not the best video but will do for a first attempt of editing.
Recently trimmed stems and tennelus so not the best time for a vid, will try another in a few weeks :thumbup:

edit* music was replaced by you tube due to copyright on original. bit dramatic :lol:

Re: 90x75x45 optiwhite. Barb Island. new video pg27

Apparently "This video contains content from EMI, who has blocked it in your country on copyright grounds", so cant view it Iain.....dont smash anything up mate!!!
Shame, was looking forward to it.
Re: 90x75x45 optiwhite. Barb Island. new video pg27

easerthegeezer said:
Hulk smash :evil:
:lol: :lol:
Re: 90x75x45. Barb Island. working video pg27

brilliant mate!

The scape is looking superb, and those Barbs are ace!
Re: 90x75x45. Barb Island. working video pg27

Cool Iain, nice little vid.
My computer takes so long to do anything that loading one up is a chore, let alone editing it!
Really good mate, like the 'blinking' transitions :thumbup:
Is that the last Cardinal being difficult to catch or is he a stayer?
Re: 90x75x45. Barb Island. working video pg27

Cheers guys, bit of a test run 🙂
the cardinals are still in the tank Ady, the idea of catching them keeps putting me off!
Ill do one in 3 or 4 weeks when everything has grown back in... and probably the trident will have melted entirely 🙁 always something.
Re: 90x75x45. Barb Island.

quick update.... been running the tank with super low light until i get the new pump and reactor running as the side of the tank the G6 supplies flow to (left side) has very weak growth and BBA started to show itself again. The tank is kind of in stasis. Left side will need some work once im up and running again.


pipes need a clean but they come off this week so just been lazy.