one thing i forgot to tell the OP is that you can add some Potassium through KHCO3 or K2CO3 while using 100% RO water if needed. Lower Traces is what the plant truly need and appreciate, but, unfortunately sometime the water parameters are way to complex or complicated, it just simply wont allow them to work properly.Hi @Happi In my so-called lean tank I am close to these numbers with CaSO4/MgSO4 ~2 GH and ~0.4 KH from K2CO3. Plants, all easy right now, are doing very well with the accompanied lean dosing (1 ppm of N and crazy low levels of traces weekly from Tropica Specialized).
for some reason the pest snail would still survive in low to 0 GHVery true. One thing I noticed (not surprisingly in hindsight) is that all snails (Ramshorn) are gone from my lean tank. The few holdouts all developed white shells. Very sure this is due to the combination of very low GH and and low'ish pH ~6.3. I eventually migrated the ones I could find to my shrimp tank where the Ca/Mg contents is much higher (~26/~7 ppm respectively) and here the snails are obviously doing well.