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Bacopa Issue


21 Feb 2022
Rhode Island
I bought some emersed bacopa from a big box store about a month and a half ago. My tank has high light and co2 but the bacopa has been slow growing and very leggy. In addition it’s not forming the normal type of leaves you see on bacopa that is growing submerged, it’s almost like it still has the thin leaves you find on emersed plants. My light is at about 73% (chihiros wrgb 2) so I don’t think it’s a lighting issue. My co2 has been running about a ~1.2 ph drop but I just increased it to 1.4 as I’m thinking this may be co2 related.

Any suggestions would be appreciated. Here is a picture.

Interesting I didn’t think of that. I am unsure whether the box said the species name or just bacopa sp. but I had the assumption it was bacopa caroliniana. This came from a top fin emersed plant package from petsmart so I’m guessing it’s probably b. caroliniana since that is the most common variant.

I tried searching for top fin bacopa online but didn’t get any results. I’m going to have to go back to petsmart and check out if they have any more over there to see if it says a species name on the box.
I had the assumption it was bacopa caroliniana
To my eyes it does not look like B. caroliniana. At least not the typical form.
The Bacopa genus is rich and it's likely that more species will be introduced in the hobby. It's been already under way, after all. A few weeks ago I've got B. salzmannii for the first time, and its "Purple" cultivar at that. I have no idea what to expect.
I just went back and checked out the bacopa and it says b caroliniana on the box. Not sure what to think now! Going to chop it all down and see what grows back.

Could this be B. Monnieri? I saw some images on the web and it kind of looks like some of them. I do believe petsmart also has this variant as well maybe I bought that instead.

The basis of the ovate leaves encloses the stem entirely.