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Back to my roots

Gorgeous!! Excellent choice on the Emperors as well, they fit the plants nicely. I've been a big fan of them for years and am considering putting a bunch of them in the big tank when it's going.
Hi Ian, I think emperor's are great but mine ended up on the living room floor. Not sure what made them jump but I came in from work to find them there. :(
Gorgeous!! Excellent choice on the Emperors as well, they fit the plants nicely. I've been a big fan of them for years and am considering putting a bunch of them in the big tank when it's going.

Thanks Phil!
There's one dominant male in the group who is really well coloured.

Hi Ian, I think emperor's are great but mine ended up on the living room floor. Not sure what made them jump but I came in from work to find them there. :(

I haven't lost any (luckily), give em another go!

Just thought I do a little iPhone vid of one light bar vs two. Just so you see the intensity of them both.
Please view in 720p or it's not worth watching lol.
I might just enter this into the iaplc this year...just for a laugh, and name it old school. It needs a couple more months.



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I'd absolutely enter that if it were mine. It's about time someone entered a high quality "Old School" aquarium like this one. Please enter it in the AGA contest too.
Please, do!

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Thanks Alexander!

I'd absolutely enter that if it were mine. It's about time someone entered a high quality "Old School" aquarium like this one. Please enter it in the AGA contest too.

Thank you Phil, and I wasn't going to enter anything this year. I think I will enter this though. I'm not sure it'll place even in the top 1000 tbh. But as you say, it would be nice to see some older style aquariums in the iaplc. I've never really fancied the landscape style scape.
I still find the jungle look has something that no other scaping style can give. There is order in this style, but the balance shifts towards the plants natural inclinations in the artificial environment and less so the scaper's interpretation of the so called nature aquarium ( do I sound like that idiot from Grand Designs lol).

Nice evolution going on here.
Another of yours I love mate. Think 3 youve done now jungle esq that ive really liked.
Its grown so quick too. It'll be time for another soon wont it???
Thank you Al! I'm gonna keep this on running for a few more months. Then think about doing something else. Maybe try out an iwagumi.

I still find the jungle look has something that no other scaping style can give. There is order in this style, but the balance shifts towards the plants natural inclinations in the artificial environment and less so the scaper's interpretation of the so called nature aquarium ( do I sound like that idiot from Grand Designs lol).

Nice evolution going on here.

Cheers Sanj and nicely put mate!
Thank you Al! I'm gonna keep this on running for a few more months. Then think about doing something else. Maybe try out an iwagumi.

Cheers Sanj and nicely put mate!

Im in the process of getting another tank to set up and do a jungle again mate. Dont see enough of them anymore. Luis was another who used to do some nice ones.
Any updates regarding the availability of the mounts for these Ian? I have mine perched over the tank with bits of string atm. Not exactly the most tidy of arrangements… Haha :)
Ian, may I ask what brand of lily pipe that is and what filtration you have (lph etc)? Your tank is 80cm right?

I'm tempted to try a lily in my next set up as i think it may suit the rock scape i have in mind, but i'm concerned about the flow pattern/getting co2 down to the bottom as I have zero experience of them :oops: I always watch your videos and really admire your flow!! :)

Tank's pretty full of water as well!! :p lol
Im in the process of getting another tank to set up and do a jungle again mate. Dont see enough of them anymore. Luis was another who used to do some nice ones.

I agree mate, Luis did some awesome jungles and placed quite well in the iaplc with some of his jungles. It's a pity there isn't more. Was checking out some on our Facebook page and that one Tony Swinney did was awesome!

Any updates regarding the availability of the mounts for these Ian? I have mine perched over the tank with bits of string atm. Not exactly the most tidy of arrangements… Haha :)

Might be worth dropping TMC a email, I was told a couple of weeks ago that it would be two weeks. So, they should be available around now.

Ian, may I ask what brand of lily pipe that is and what filtration you have (lph etc)? Your tank is 80cm right?

I'm tempted to try a lily in my next set up as i think it may suit the rock scape i have in mind, but i'm concerned about the flow pattern/getting co2 down to the bottom as I have zero experience of them :oops: I always watch your videos and really admire your flow!! :)

Tank's pretty full of water as well!! :p lol

Hey mate, the Lily's are gush 16mm outlet and a aquarium plant food inlet 16mm nano. Really good bits of glass wear. The tank is 60cm.
If your filter is good enough, there should be enough flow around the tank. The jet will hit the back wall of the tank and flow around the substrate. Try and steer away from the cheap Chinese brands as I have found that they don't push the flow as well as the more expensive ones.
There is a ehiem 2073 (1050lph) and a skimmer (300lph) always present in the tank. Although the flow drops on the ehiem a bit, I have to clean the pipes every three weeks.
And thanks!

We have a stem!

Overhead shot of the tank


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Hey mate, the Lily's are gush 16mm outlet and a aquarium plant food inlet 16mm nano. Really good bits of glass wear. The tank is 60cm. If your filter is good enough, there should be enough flow around the tank. The jet will hit the back wall of the tank and flow around the substrate. Try and steer away from the cheap Chinese brands as I have found that they don't push the flow as well as the more expensive ones.

Thanks Ian :) Yes i'd be happy to buy something proper to give it a try. Couple more quick q's if I may :D... So does the design of these send the water outwards and downwards? Do you diffuse your co2 inline? I have a tetratec 1200 at the mo (1200lph) but may be giving a Boyu DGH unit a go which is rated 1610lph (but adjustable!), so should be enough cojones!

And what stem is that? Looks rather what i'm trying to identify in mine at the minute! :)
The flow works like this...

Pic courtesy of Starr-Marshall

That should be enough in the way of flow for you. Have a look at the amano vids on youtube. You actually don't need loads of flow, you just need it to go in the directions you need.

And the stem is ludwigia glandulosa, just waiting to go a bit more red.

@Edvet, thanks, I'm sure I can squeeze a few more plants in ; )


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I simply must say how enjoyable this jungle is ian.

Especially when its done this well