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Attractive(ish) spray bars


16 Dec 2011
Hi all,

Can anyone recommend the most visually unobtrusive spray bar that they've used?

I've switched to using a spray bar but i'm using the one that came with my cristal profi e1500 - and its very ugly.

I also could do with it being customizable in length (need it to be about 70cm).

Thanks 🙂
easerthegeezer said:
Ebay, acrylic tube, cut to lenth, heat and squeeze end to close, drill holes... jobs a good un'.

otherwise the least noticable ready made is the grey ' smoked' fluval ones.

Or better still, the pale Tetratec ones.
skeletonw00t said:
Ow long is the tetratech one? It needs to be about 75cm

I think its about that, it comes in three sections and when I looked at it, I think I was going to have to cut the end bit to make it fit in my 80cm tank. Contact Fish and Fins in Hailsham (tel 01323 847385) as I know they used to have some in stock. Or you can use this link