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26 Mar 2009
Could you please tell me how much TPN+ i should add daily,my tank is a rio 240,the only other fert i'm using is jbl ferropol 24, the tank also has a pressurised co2 system with 22.5 mg/l of co2,thanks in advance Dean
thanks for the quick reply,will apn+ help with yellowing leaves?

this is the tank at present

and this is the problem i'm having with my plants
I used to dose 5ml per day on my Rio 125 so that might be on the low side, but start with 5 like George sugested and work it up if you see deficiencies, you do have a big plant mass so you might need more than 5ml.
would you continue with the feropol 24 aswell? this is the manufacturers claim
•The daily feed for luxuriant aquarium plants.
•Optimum, targeted care, provides all vital trace elements which cannot be provided by long-term fertilizers.
•Promotes lush growth, even in delicate aquarium plants.
•Prevents deficiencies.
•Contains no phosphates or nitrates.
Where have you got the 22.5mg/l of CO2 from? It seems like you have used a pH/ KH table which are innacurate. Take a look here for more information: viewtopic.php?f=34&t=467

I dosed 3ml on my 60l too, Mark

Nitrogen defficiency is a sign of yellow leaves. Plants get there Nitrogen from Nitrate so that could explain why.
im using tank water as per the instructions on the drop checker,also i cant drop the ph below 7.0 as i keep nerite snails and they need a ph above 7.0,reading the link it says 30ppm will drop the ph to 6.6,i'll get some 4dkh solution and see what the difference is.
thewelshwonder said:
im using tank water as per the instructions on the drop checker,also i cant drop the ph below 7.0 as i keep nerite snails and they need a ph above 7.0,reading the link it says 30ppm will drop the ph to 6.6,i'll get some 4dkh solution and see what the difference is.

that is a problem them, even Nitrates & phosphates in the water can change the reading!