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AS900- restart and rethink.

Tank is looking great and the shrimp coming on great, i need to trim my moss ass its getting very thick so think i will trim and glue on further down

Sent from my SM-G970F using Tapatalk
Can anyone help with stocking plans, after loosing all my Harlequins due to sickness. I'm now ready to restock my tank, it currently has 8 panda cories and a boat load of shrimp (which I don't want to be eaten)

I'm looking at one of the variations of neon, either black, green or the 'standard' unless someone has any recommendations? I was going for microdevario kubotai but have ruled them out due to reports of them jumping and my living room can be 'busy'

Would a shoal of 35 be OK in my footprint? Could I go larger? Like the idea of one large shoal but don't want to push the boundaries and make it look overcrowded.
Someone on this forum had ruby barbs, those were fun and beautiful. They are a bit bigger though, so 35 would be a bit much I think. Green neon tetra (simulans) is pretty and extremely long lived, I've still got 4 in I got in 2015, I used to have 20 and I loved their group behaviour, much tighter then regular neons or kardinals. 35 in this tank would look great. If you're unsure about numbers start with 25 first, add the final 10 later?
Green neons would look great I think, I think 35 of these tiny fish would still disappear to a certain degree. Ember tetras are an option, not sure why I was avoiding red fish, maybe due to the cherries.
Would green neons be OK in my moderately hard (160ppm) tap water? And at 23 degrees celcius? As I know a large amount of the greens are wild caught.

Also I don't want any known jumpers, the Amanos gave me a headache at tank startup

The barbs are nice but as you slightly larger and more of a threat to my shrimp.
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I've always had the greens in an open top, no jumpers in all those years 🙂 Always had temperature around 23 as well, dont know about the hardness. Embers are tiny, those would require an even bigger group to make an impact 🙂 Fun and lively fish though, I recently got 10 for my 50l nano.
Got 12 simulans for my 80cm tank last week and they are fantastic, getting 8 more next week. They blend perfectly with the Aquascape and that blue body stripe is beautiful : 201125104447467142.jpg

btw my tank is at 22 degrees in winter.
I had green neons in my optop at around 22 degrees and were stunning fish i want more after loosing some of my rummy nose tetras i would love some greens bit dont want to mix my shoul and have differnt types but lobe the green neon tetras.

Sent from my SM-G970F using Tapatalk
Little update. Sand siphoned out and replaced, H'ra and pinnatifida trimmed. Gave the rocks a little scrub, removed the messy plants in the foreground. Had some Hairgrass, hydrocotyle and marsilea from the other tank that was looking really unorganised. Replaced with some blyxa japonica, that will hopefully create some movement and Cryptocoryne undulatus.

Added some more buce theia, some on the wood and some jammed between foreground rocks.
Little bba on the edges of old leaves on anubias and a small amount of gsa on the foreground anubias. Neither are spreading and new leaves are clean so looks to be OK.

Going to try and tweak my ferts this week, to tease some more colour out of the H'ra and pinnatifida.

Soil is still driving me mad as it gets onto the sand within what seems like seconds , coming up on 3.5months now. Lights at 100% and co2 seems to be fine.

Sometime soon I might actually put a few tetra in ac2c9c8cbf7c26fcfd385b0078c4e699.jpgc9d68f1b9a3f6b9db3c2b38380fd40a5.jpg2d3b1f1b1a760fc78c98ec6afcc1af92.jpg8fb8d713f3f021ec39e7626bd20ced1f.jpg60abbfea940e02e550abd89ce36ef66c.jpg
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That looks so good mate very healthy and great colours,love this scape.

Sent from my SM-G970F using Tapatalk
Wow really nice mate agreed about teasing the colours out looks clean and Healthy you will get use to the sand or try my trick it does work and takes 5 mins a day
Happy new year all,
Stocked the tank with 30 WCMM yesterday. Never kept this species before and I'm quite pleased so far. They have coloured up reasonably well and quite quickly, they've not noticed the co2 infusion and most importantly they haven't been phased by my 4 year old dancing like a ballerina in front of them

I'm also 4 days into my new ferts, I've removed the nitrate from my ferts and purely relying on my water changes, lights are at 100%, co2 profile is good so I thought I'd try to get some colour out of the H'ra and pinnatifida. de342f30bac0fac269c388859c867369.jpg
Lovely looking fish i really.like them there not at all skittish and very active some full tank shots would be nice 😉
Lovely looking fish i really.like them there not at all skittish and very active some full tank shots would be nice
Full tank shots will have to wait mate , sand needs changing as the cories have had a field day when I fed them grindal worms. Soil all over the place. Needs a tidy, didn't have a great deal of time over Christmas. Moss needs a little trim too.
Sand siphoned out, good clean out, removed the fissidens off the stones as it attracts crud like a magnet. Little scrub of a few stones, not all of them as the otos seem to like grazing on it.
The blyxa japonica seems to be doing well, growing more bushy by the day. Monte carlo is finally staying put and growing after I applied what felt like a whole tube of superglue to it. My Amanos like to did it up so bits are forever ending up in the skimmer.
Not sure if Im getting any colour coming through on my H'ra or pinnatifida as yet,

The white clouds have settled in nicely with the exception of one jumper, and they have had the added bonus of making the 15 celestial pearl danios less shy. They would constantly hide in amongst the H'ra, whereas now they seem to be out swimming with the minnows and competing with them for food.

Ignore the dirty pipes they are due for a change. ea9ee9c3b707bc93b507df06bed96c01.jpg13056145b42ce2a07aab4c8194f8a76a.jpgaefdab18e0e46536fbad9cb9f62fa833.jpgcc98c103398eff1a81cd6e9582051542.jpg94475f5c92d16e54f99a15c42ce43dd0.jpgebbccf5b34853cb33a16ec2988f753fe.jpg