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AS900- restart and rethink.

Thanks Alto, much appreciated.

I was going to wait a few weeks just in case I lost some of the buce, sometimes they don't take too kindly to the dollop of glue.
With the frogbit, Hemianthus micranthemoides and rotala h'ra in there do you think I would still need some more fast growers? (honest question)

I am in no rush to move the stock over, TBH the cherry shrimp and nerites will be the first as they shouldn't cause any problems, but the Amanos OTH are rather large beasts and will make a right mess.

Thanks for the tip on the moss (weeping), I've not used weeping moss that much in the past but it seems to be responding well already, as are the stems at the back.

If you can wait on the Amano (shrimp) until the carpet is mostly filled in, you’ll thank yourself 😉
(note feed those Amano shrimp some vegetable based food while they’re in quarantine - and keep leftover plants in there)

Cherry shrimp and nerites are a great addition, often snails can go in quite early - I’m assuming you’ve added some cycled filter media to the new filter (or even just transfer of washed soil, hardscape etc will “inoculate” the new system) - though if you’ve used any ADA Amazonia soil then, check ammonia (& nitrite) levels
(I’ve had very good experiences with Seachem Ammonia Alert)

Often people don’t want to trim moss at the start as it just looks so good as it grows but Amano (the person) was adamant about the importance of moss trimming as it establishes

Depending how the H micranthemoides and Rotala H’ra take off (and just the plant universe in general), you may be fine with these - some of my favorite stems - BUT slow like molasses compared to H zosterfolia 😉
(which I never keep longterm)
If the MC transitions well to submerse growth, that is also a major consumer (balancer)

Note that Buce can devastatingly melt in any new setup - even without any glue
(I suspect it’s more shipping or pre-aquarium related, though if Amazonia and completely new setup, conditions are pretty erratic so I’d not spend a fortune on Buces in that situation)
If you can wait on the Amano (shrimp) until the carpet is mostly filled in, you’ll thank yourself 😉
(note feed those Amano shrimp some vegetable based food while they’re in quarantine - and keep leftover plants in there)

Cherry shrimp and nerites are a great addition, often snails can go in quite early - I’m assuming you’ve added some cycled filter media to the new filter (or even just transfer of washed soil, hardscape etc will “inoculate” the new system) - though if you’ve used any ADA Amazonia soil then, check ammonia (& nitrite) levels
(I’ve had very good experiences with Seachem Ammonia Alert)

Often people don’t want to trim moss at the start as it just looks so good as it grows but Amano (the person) was adamant about the importance of moss trimming as it establishes

Depending how the H micranthemoides and Rotala H’ra take off (and just the plant universe in general), you may be fine with these - some of my favorite stems - BUT slow like molasses compared to H zosterfolia 😉
(which I never keep longterm)
If the MC transitions well to submerse growth, that is also a major consumer (balancer)

Note that Buce can devastatingly melt in any new setup - even without any glue
(I suspect it’s more shipping or pre-aquarium related, though if Amazonia and completely new setup, conditions are pretty erratic so I’d not spend a fortune on Buces in that situation)

Amanos will wait quite a while, they have been gorging on purple kale and cucumber from the garden. (they love the kale, but they've gone slightly darker because of it)

I left one of the oases blue sponges in the quarantine tank for a little while before I added it to the filter. I am a little cautious though as I don't want to introduce Malaysian trumpet snails, I've also added buce and anubias from holding tank. Which I'm certain will have eggs on

I will trim the moss as soon as it starts to 'stand off' from the wood, not keen on the mess moss makes when trimming,its nearly as bad as eleocharis acicularis

I will keep an eye on how well the plants take off, but I'm not putting h zosterfolia in there, it grows like a weed

I used tropica soil, soil powder and jbl volcano, and some ADA power sand, daily water changes but shouldnt see the ammonia spike like amazonia.
Tank looks great mate looks awsome planted.

How many pots did you end up using then ? And are you dosing EI.


Sent from my SM-G970F using Tapatalk
Tank looks great mate looks awsome planted.

How many pots did you end up using then ? And are you dosing EI.


Sent from my SM-G970F using Tapatalk
Thanks mate, at the moment I'm dosing EI but not sure for how long. To be honest with you the dosing and ferts kinda go over my head, so making sure there is more than enough in there.
Looks great, really looking forward to seeing it with the sand in too. Nice job planting.
Melanoides species won't leave eggs, only tiny snails 😉
Thanks, didn't know that, I have dosed with Gastropex just in case. MTS will make a right mess between the soil and sand.
Thanks mate, at the moment I'm dosing EI but not sure for how long. To be honest with you the dosing and ferts kinda go over my head, so making sure there is more than enough in there.
I am 100 percent with you, i will be dosing EI but feel like know nothing about the powders and what certain defficencys etc mean i am lacking etc but hopefully it all works out .

Looking great anyway mate

Sent from my SM-G970F using Tapatalk
Looks awesome, plants really taking off, when is the sand coming in? 😉
Thank you, not sure yet, I'm hoping I can wait for the monte carlo to bed in properly to try and hold some of the soil back, I'm not loosing much soil but I am still loosing some. Think I need some more monte carlo, I'm thinking if I put it in now it'll only look dirty quickly so waiting might be a better option.
A hoard of cherry shrimp will be added on Saturday, few melting Cryptocoryne pygmea to deal with.
Have been doing 70-80% daily water changes so hopefully I'll be OK on algae front.
I just chopped all the leaves of mine, it is taking its time to grow, not the fastest plant in the world! 🙄🙄
Was hoping they wouldn't melt, being in vitro plants, couldn't bring myself to chop the leaves off when planting, just seems wrong