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Are my Shy Green Neon Tetras - causing embers to hide?

From taking this all in, I will either a) add another 6 Green neons to make the shoal bigger and see if this helps or b) try a dither fish.

Personally I wouldn't consider it an 'either' consideration - I'd add the six Neons regardless, and then consider options for dither fish if you want to go that route.

I do like the look of the small Pygmy corydoras, always busy at the bottom and won’t look too big for my scape.

Fish vary, but they're another 'hider' for me, so wouldn't be on my list for the intended outcome.

I worry about my bio load getting larger with more fish?

I wouldn't worry too much, with 12 x Neons and 11 x Embers, you're still only at 66% stocking based on AqAdvisors calculator, plus a heavily planted tank with lots of broken lines of sight can support more fish that they suggest at 100% in my view as long as the fish size is appropriate to the tank.
Personally I wouldn't consider it an 'either' consideration - I'd add the six Neons regardless, and then consider options for dither fish if you want to go that route.

Fish vary, but they're another 'hider' for me, so wouldn't be on my list for the intended outcome.

I wouldn't worry too much, with 12 x Neons and 11 x Embers, you're still only at 66% stocking based on AqAdvisors calculator, plus a heavily planted tank with lots of broken lines of sight can support more fish that they suggest at 100% in my view as long as the fish size is appropriate to the tank.
Thanks, I will source some more green neon tetras and see how things go 👍
This may be an unpopular opinion, but I don't think an iwagumi is particularly suitable for any type fish at all.
Because of the lack of cover? I doubt my male endlers would have cared - they were always so wrapped up in their interpersonal drama they seemed completely unaware of anything else short of food. Though I image the sort of person who appreciates a minimalist iwagumi would not be drawn to clownish livebearers! I do take your larger point though; a bright open space is stressful for little fish.
Thanks, I will source some more green neon tetras and see how things go 👍
Yeah this is true, pygmy cories are also rather shy unless you have shedloads of them, I had much better luck keeping 50+ in a 200L tank than smaller tanks. After adding the tetras and waiting a bit, maybe try rosy loaches - they're almost as small but much more gregarious and active than pygmies, a group of 10 is great. Really charming little fish than use every square inch of a tank, play with eachother and breed, have nice colours and markings, and will sometimes school with the tetras too.