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AR mini issue (updated with rotala)


21 Feb 2022
Rhode Island
Can someone tell me whats going on with my AR mini? I've had it for 3 weeks after getting it as a tissue culture and it's leaves are extremely twisted. According to my pH pen my degassed ph is 7.35 and my ph when the lights go on is ~6. I have an inline diffuser and the plant is directly opposite of the lily pipe so it is getting a lot of co2 I would imagine.


Here it is when I first got it on 8/8

Thank you for the response. The reason I am concerned is with the twisted appearance of the leaves. It has grown pretty well in 3 weeks and has a good coloration (I think?) but the leaf shape is horrible.

Here is an image I found online or AR mini

Hi all,

It looks like chlorosis of the newer leaves, which is very suggestive of a deficiency of available iron. Rotala spp. look to be <"very prone to this">.

cheers Darrel
I have been dosing seachem flourish for micros and it only uses gluconate for iron which from my understanding doesn't last very long in the tank? I dose .6 ppm of carbon via flourish per week (Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday). I am going to switch to dosing the .6 ppm over 7 days instead of just 3. Hopefully dosing micro every day will increase the availability. I could also dose some dtpa as well..


What I ended up doing was taking 250 ml of flourish and diluting it with 250 ml of distilled water so that my weekly dose to hit .6 ppm would be 21 ml/7 (3 ml/day). The I added 11% dtpa so that it would dose .1 ppm of dtpa per week spread across the 3 ml doses. Hopefully I will see some improvement.
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Hi all,
I have been dosing seachem flourish for micros and it only uses gluconate for iron which from my understanding doesn't last very long in the tank?
I think they are both <"iron gluconate based">, and that may <"be you problem">. Can you get another chelator for iron? I like <"FeEDDHA">, but it tints your tank water.

The problem with iron (Fe) is that it forms a lot of <"insoluble compounds">, particularly in hard, alkaline water.

cheers Darrel
Thank you for the replies.

I also have CSM+B that I could use instead of flourish. I have just been trying flourish since it looks a little more complete on the micros than csm+b. I also added DTPA to my flourish mix now hopefully that will also help. How long will it take to show improvement if iron is the problem?

My pH never gets above 7 as my tank doesn't fully degas.
Hi all,
Thank you for the replies.,,............
You are welcome.
I also added DTPA to my flourish mix now hopefully that will also help. How long will it take to show improvement if iron is the problem?
It will <"only be the new leaves">, that grow when iron (Fe) is plant available, that will be green.

The plant can shuffle iron around, which is why iron deficiency effects new leaves, not old ones.

Cheers Darrel
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