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Aquascaping regrets?

I wish I'd known to use a compost mix under my sand, John Innes, clay, zeolite, etc. I have it in my small tank and the plants seem much happier. I've learnt to see aquarium keeping as more like gardening, and it feels more natural to have soil.

. The sand on top I love, but better earth below.
Yes I wish I'd put much more aquasoil under my JBL mandano substrate. At least two inches over the whole base for me next time.
(1) Too many people involved in 'making an art' of whom large majority have no clue of aesthetics.
(2) Distracting attention from fish, plants and biology towards unnatural creations - landscape emulations, underwater gardens, etc.
(1) Too many people involved in 'making an art' of whom large majority have no clue of aesthetics.
(2) Distracting attention from fish, plants and biology towards unnatural creations - landscape emulations, underwater gardens, etc.

I think the thread is supposed to be for posting things you personally regret having done or not done in the hobby @_Maq_ , rather than a list of things you don’t like about it 😂
(1) Too many people involved in 'making an art' of whom large majority have no clue of aesthetics.

Even nature has a sense of humour about aesthetics. Just look at some of its current evolutionarily fittest species:


I think the thread is supposed to be for posting things you personally regret having done
