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AquariumHK regulator help (Please!!!)


21 Aug 2008
Hi, I have just bought this reg:
and I am being a bit thick when it comes to setting it up! I have one of the brass bubble counters but it won't fit as the top dial is in the way and I can't find another way to fit it! The only other bc I have is the silly glass one that came with the reg.
Is there anyone else who has this reg who can help me set it all up??!! I think I'm being a bit blonde but I can't seem to get my head around it 😳 I must be missing something...
Looks like a nice reg. If to take a spanner to the nut on the pressure dial you may be able to give it half a turn which will spin the dial enough for the bubble counter to sit neatly behind it. It may already be tightened up to it max but it's the only way i can see of doing it. Be careful though and do so at your own risk.
If it were me i'd use that glass BC you have, i have one and it works well 😉
Nice reg by the looks of it. Use the (Gamba XII) glass bubble counter and NRV that came with it and fit them inline. thats what I use with my setup.

Sorry to be so dense, but can anyone tell me which dial is which? I have a small green dial which goes from 0 - 200 psi, with 0 - 25 psi highlighted in red (I am assuming that this is the contents of the tank :? ) and a larger dark green dial which goes from 0 - 250 kg/cm sq (0 - 3500 psi). The needle on the first dial is at 25 psi (just above the red bit) and the needle on the second dial is at 59 kg/cm sq. Do these settings look ok? :?
The higher numbered dial is the cylinder pressure going into the regulator. the smaller numbered dial is the regulator output to the needle valve. 25 psi (1.75 bar) output sounds OK to me. cylinder pressure should be in the region of 725 - 1025psi (50-70bar)

p.s. I am blonde

Ed Seeley said:
SuperColey1 said:
p.s. I am blonde

And a girl apparently Andy! (You don't put the -e on the end for blokes mate!!! :lol: )
I actually thought that was only in French but having just done a quick look-up I find you are correct... I'm wondering if I've ever written it incorrectly, it's not something I tend to write that often!
*Thinking she'll stick to sign language in future!*
I'm strictly English and therefore do not take any notice of differences between male, neutral or female when spelling. Even if it the difference is also in the English language it must have been french inspired and therefore utter tosh. lol

I'm sticking with blonde. If there are seperate spellings in the dictionary then said dictionary deserves burning.

p.s. I am fair haired

Sorry my teacher instincts kicked in again; must try and keep them under wraps more! Plus it gave me a chance to call you a girl Andy!!!!
SuperColey1 said:
it must have been french inspired and therefore utter tosh. lol
There goes half the English language 😛
Ed Seeley said:
Sorry my teacher instincts kicked in again; must try and keep them under wraps more!
Nope, keep up the good work, education is a 'good thing'(tm)
No probs with words that originally came from the french language, just the dual spelling of the same word. I have to keep telling my wife that her (portuguese) language is crap. lol (awaiting the herds of complaints.) I also tell her that it won't be a problem in 20 years seeing as the world will all speak english (albeit the american version) by then. 😉

They can all save their own language for when an Englishman walks into the pub (like the welsh do.) :evil:

I think the chav culture did that. lol
