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Aquajardin meet Date fixed For 20th Nov List Names PLSE

Re: Aquajardin meet CHOICE OF DATES

20th is out for me i'm afraid, sorry folks :thumbdown:
Re: Aquajardin meet CHOICE OF DATES

Hi All,i tried to ring aquajardin today but the phone number is out of order,i will keep trying,
Re: Aquajardin meet CHOICE OF DATES

john starkey said:
Hi All,i tried to ring aquajardin today but the phone number is out of order,i will keep trying,

Was fine yesterday when I placed an order, not sure what's wrong.
Re: Aquajardin meet CHOICE OF DATES

Superman said:
LondonDragon said:
If there was a train station nearby it would be something to consider!!


I could give you a lift to and from Cheltenham station.

13th or 20th is best for me.

Thanks mate, but looks like trains to Cheltenham are scarce, 3 and a half hours to get there with two changes, that's a little too much for me 😉
Re: Aquajardin meet CHOICE OF DATES

Hi Paulo,why dont you get the train to worcester and i will pick you up :thumbup: ,

Right guys the date has been set for the sat 20th nov 2010,

if anyone who lives north of worcester wants to meet at my house at between 11-12 am,quick cuppa then jump into various cars and swan down to aquajardin,if you want to make it earlier then i dont mind,
Re: Aquajardin meet CHOICE OF DATES

Mark Evans said:
earlier would be good. I've got a damn birthday party to go to at night. :evil:

Ok Mark what about 0930 -10-00 am at my house then straight down to aquajardin ,
cheers john.
Re: Aquajardin meet CHOICE OF DATES

I think I can make that date! I will confirm asap.
Re: Aquajardin meet Date fixed For 20th oct

I can make it!

Whats the plan?
Who is going?
Re: Aquajardin meet Date fixed For 20th oct

I still need to pluck up the courage to ask the missus! With me away from home most of this and next week.... my timing and delivery will have to be spot-on! :lol:
Re: Aquajardin meet Date fixed For 20th oct

i did the same thing! Timing is everything!
Re: Aquajardin meet Date fixed For 20th oct

George Farmer said:
I still need to pluck up the courage to ask the missus! With me away from home most of this and next week.... my timing and delivery will have to be spot-on! :lol:

Thats funny George :lol: .
Re: Aquajardin meet Date fixed For 20th Nov

Themuleous said:
Count me in, what time at the shop then?


PS - changed the thread title to Nov as it had said Oct 😉

Well spotted Sam :thumbup: ,.