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Aqauoak 200L escapade..


Tried out my led bar to see how much light it actually gives off while filling up using the small caravan water pump I made up for water changes.
Seems ok for £20!!
Update time!
Right, up and running and only suffered two casualties in the move. One cherry shrimp and one amano. :(
Water parameters all spot on. All inmates happy and co2 connected. Seriously thinking that a diffuser needs replacing as the tank looks a bit fizzy! :)
New inmates include 6 cherry shrim, 4 amano, 4 dwarf rainbow fish and 6 cardinal tetra.
And WOW TO T5 lights! First time ive used t5 but two 39w with reflectors (on mounts, cant stand lights just laid on top) and theyre brilliant (no pun intended!!!)
Ei package turned up. For the life of me the ingredients sound like a home made bomb making kit!!!
Managed to break my co2 diffuser so went off to co2art and bought a new bubble counter and diffuser. Must look at sorting the bubbles better. Drop checker installed too.
Cant find the instructions though, i think it was 1.5ml water and 3 drops of fluid. Sound about right?
Ill get some pics up soon. :)
Looking forward to seeing the pics. Glad it's finally up and running with minimum losses.:thumbup:


Just awaiting plant delivery. And fresh carbon filters.
Used an inline heater so I bought a couple of joiners from eBay. Paranoia now makes me think I need a flood alarm!!!


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Oh! I love your cabinet. Really nice pieces of wood too, your new plants should bring it all together. Looking forward to seeing the pics.



Plants alive box turned up and the next hour was a giggle trying to identify each one and whether it's a foreground, mid or background plant!!!
Plants are a newish thing to me so planting and spacing will need work I think.
Left the co2 at previous settings. Installed new drop checker and ceramic diffuser.
Might have to invest in some long tools! My arms need to be a bit longer!!!


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Boo. Nasty stuff isn't it? I expected. a new tank bloom but I think my 10h lights on period might be a bit OTT.
I'm thinking more like 8?
Boo. Nasty stuff isn't it? I expected. a new tank bloom but I think my 10h lights on period might be a bit OTT.
I'm thinking more like 8?

More like 5 or 6 hours for starters, even 8 hours is a long period. There's lots and lots on this site about algae probs, keeping the lighting down, Fertilising, getting the CO2 injection just right and the all important flow rate for correct CO2 Nutrient distribution. Have a good search through the 'Algae' , 'CO2' and Fertilisation' sections plus I'm sure you'll get lots of help.:thumbup:.

Cant find the instructions though, i think it was 1.5ml water and 3 drops of fluid. Sound about right?

It's a lot easier to use the ready mixed solution from AE and cheap as chips really.:thumbup:
2 x 39W with reflectors & 10hours and a new tank means algae farming here we come.

Reduce amount of light, remove reflectors (or twist and point them upwards if possible), put foil strips around the tubes, put stockings on the tubes, use darkened plastic sheet etc etc and reduce lighting period to even as little as 4 hours until things settle in.

When I started my planted tank, I ran my 180l with 2 x 25W T8 tubes, with reflectors twisted upwards and lights on for only 4-5hours a day for first couple of months and no green algae at all. Suffered diatom outbreak, standard new tank syndrome, but got all that scoffed by 3 Ottos. Twisted reflectors back round, upped lighting to 8-10hours and have run algae free for two years. Now moved to 2 x 35W HO T5, still algae free.
Oooh, cheers guys. Figured I was doing too much of something! Might de reflector and just run on one 39w?
Reduced down to 5h in the evening so I can look at it :)

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Ok, one tube disconnected and the other had its reflector turned 90'. Looks alright actually! :)
Thank you for the guidance guys, really appreciate the help. The tooth brush is out as well. Seems to be the most effective at shifting it.

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I quite like the green stuff coming off the lava rock but the rest looks like bba?

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Time for a little update....
Up type co2 diffuser added as I was getting a bit irritated by the fizzy bubbles. Easy to fit and one less thing in the tank, spoiling the look.
Algae calmed a bit, thanks to your excellent advice. Thankyou.
Just sitting here looking at a 3/4 filled tank as I did a water change then realised I was out of conditoner!!!

Schoolboy error!!!

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